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v2.7.0 - Fort Canning Road

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@prasannavl prasannavl released this 01 Apr 14:13
· 1241 commits to master since this release

Mandatory Upgrade

This is a mandatory update for the upcoming Fort Canning Road chain upgrade. It contains a key fixes that upgrades the protocol.
Fort Canning Road upgrade is set for block 1786000 (approx. ETA April 11, 2022 UTC) on mainnet.

Update of mainnet node to v2.7.0 before the chain upgrade block is REQUIRED.

Upgrade Notes

  • For nodes that are running >= v2.6.1 and <= v2.6.2, this is a drop in upgrade. No reindex or fresh sync needed.
  • For nodes that are being restored from recent snapshot, as with all updates before: -rescan for the wallet txs and additionally -spv_resync for users who hold BTC. If either isn't used, they may not be shown in the wallet until rescanned/resynced.
  • For other nodes, one of the following is required: a fresh sync, the most recent backup from 2.6.x or latest snapshot.

What’s Changed

Key Focus

  • Implementation of DFIP2203: DeFiCh/dfips#127
  • Generic loan payback. The blockchain now has the capability for enabling any loans in a vault to be payed back with any other token through DFI. The mechanism will use oracles to determine token prices if enabled and relying on dToken->DUSD->DFI swaps for interest paybacks. Note this is not enabled, and may or may not be enabled per token or globally. This is dependent on the governance direction taken and voted on by the community as seen fit.


  • Expanding the DEX fee capability to be applied per pool, as well as per token to apply to all pools with a token.
  • New account change logging category: accountchange
  • Changes to logging to reduce noise of masternode staking logs. Please see #648. (Thanks @chrizog).


  • LevelDB upstream update.
  • Boost upstream update allowing successful builds on newer platforms.

RPC Changes

Beyond, new additions, changes are expected to be backward compatible.

  • Existing:

    • getpoolpair / listpoolpairs:
      • New fields: dexFeeInPctTokenA, dexFeeOutPctTokenA, dexFeeInPctTokenB, dexFeeOutPctTokenB
    • paybackloan
      • loans field introduced which is an array of structured objects that specify the loan that is payed back and the token amounts used for payback. See help for more info.
    • listaccounthistory
      • Now supports txn
    • getburninfo
      • New fields: paybackfees, paybacktokens similar to dfipaybackfee and dfipaybacktokens but for non DFI payback.
  • New:

    • futureswap
    • withdrawfutureswap
    • getfutureswapblock
    • listpendingfutureswaps
    • getpendingfutureswaps

🚀 Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

🧰 Maintenance

How to run?

Download and untar the relevant version to your operating system, run bin/defid or bin/defid.exe to start a DeFi Blockchain daemon. The client (CLI) can be found at bin/defi-cli or bin/defi-cli.exe.

DeFi App (GUI) users

If you are running the desktop DeFi App, you do not have to manually update the underlying node as the app will handle it. Check for the latest releases.

Testnet Info

The following are informational updates that apply only for development on testnet:

  • Testnet has been rolled back to 893700 prior to this release.
  • Reference blockhash of testnet 893700: ea1733c8b127c80b37236bbe6244670428228e5592d08ff307893425852dc113
  • Note: Same upgrade notes as mainnet apply to testnet. Please reindex / restore as necessary.

Note: Certain test related infrastructure components (like could take a while to reflect this change, due to the re-indexing constraints on the specific applications.

Testnet rollback tips (if needed):

$ defi-cli -testnet invalidateblock $(defi-cli -testnet getblockhash 893700)
$ defi-cli -testnet clearbanned
$ defi-cli -testnet reconsiderblock ea1733c8b127c80b37236bbe6244670428228e5592d08ff307893425852dc113