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Spencer Brown edited this page Feb 14, 2023 · 6 revisions


BEEmod adds a new system for customising which corridors are used at the beginning and end of a map. Corridors consist of the entry/exit door and the worldportal connecting to the elevator instance, which remains controlled by the style. Additionally, the new capability to create upward and downward facing corridors is added.

There are a total of 12 different kinds of corridor that can be specified:

  • sp_entry_horizontal
  • sp_entry_up
  • sp_entry_dn
  • sp_exit_horizontal
  • sp_exit_up
  • sp_exit_dn
  • coop_entry_horizontal
  • coop_entry_up
  • coop_entry_dn
  • coop_exit_horizontal
  • coop_exit_up
  • coop_exit_dn

Up/down indicates the direction players move to get into the map - so sp_entry_dn and sp_exit_dn are attached to opposite surfaces. For convenience, corridors override the orientation of the instance so that they are always upright. For horizontal doors, the chamber door should be on the right of the top view (east, +x).


Corridors are specified as a group in info.txt as shown below. Groups can be repeated in multiple packages, and are merged together.

	"ID" "<group_id>"
	"inherit" "<group_id>"
		"instance" "instances/BEE2/style/corridor_blah.vmf"
		"config" "path/to/config.cfg"
		"name" "Corridor Name"
		"authors" "Author 1, Author 2"

		"image" "PACKAGE:path/to/img1.jpg"
		"image" "PACKAGE:path/to/img2.vtf"
		"image" "PACKAGE:path/to/img3.png"
		"icon" "PACKAGE:path/to/icon.png"

		"DefaultIndex" "1"
		"Legacy" "0"
			"$var1" "value1"
			"$var2" "value2"
  • ID: This identifies the group of corridors. Usually this will match the ID of a style, to associate this group with that style. Otherwise, the group will not be directly visable - another group needs to use Inherit to make the defintions usable. This could be used to share some common corridors among styles.
  • Inherit: This specifies the ID of another corridor group, whose corridors will be copied to this one. Multiple can be specified.
  • <kind>: Each block defines one corridor and its type, in any order. If the orientation is omitted it defaults to horizontal, the direction (entry/exit) and game mode (sp/coop) must be supplied.
  • instance: This specifies the instance used for this corridor. It must be unique!
  • config: This specifies a configuration file in items/ containing configuration for VBSP (such as Conditions).
  • name: The name to display for this corridor.
  • authors: Comma-separated list of authors for the corridor.
  • image: Path for screenshots to display for the corridor. Any number can be shown. They should be 4:3 in size and at least 256x192.
  • icon: Path for the icon to display in the corridor selector. This should ideally be 144x96. If not specified, the first screenshot is used.
  • DefaultIndex: This should be specified for original corridors only - it controls which corridors are selected originally.
  • Legacy: Preferably don't use this, if set it uses the original orientation for the instance.
  • Fixups: Each fixup variable specified here is set on the corridor instance. This can be used to indicate how to configure the corridor.
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