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@azure-sdk azure-sdk released this 05 Nov 00:54

7.0.0-preview.8 (2020-11-04)

New features:

  • A helper method parseServiceBusConnectionString has been added which validates and parses a given connection string for Azure Service Bus. You can use this to extract the namespace and entitypath details from the connection string.
    PR 11949
  • All methods that take an array as input are updated to ensure they gracefully do a no-op rather than throw errors. For example: receiveDeferredMessages(), scheduleMessages() and cancelScheduledMessages().
  • Tracing, using @azure/core-tracing, has been added for sending and receiving of messages.
    PR 11651
    PR 11810
  • Internal improvement - For the operations depending on $management link such as peek or lock renewals, the listeners for the "sender_error" and "receiver_error" events were added to the link for each new request made before the link is initialized which would have resulted in too many listeners and a warning such as MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 sender_error listeners added to [Sender]. Use emittr.setMaxListeners() to increase limit(same for receiver_error). This has been improved such that the listeners are reused.
    PR 11738

Breaking changes

  • The processError passed to Receiver.subscribe now receives a ProcessErrorArgs instead of just an error. This parameter provides additional context that can make it simpler to distinguish
    errors that were thrown from your callback (via the errorSource member of ProcessErrorArgs) as well as giving you some information about the entity that generated the error.
    PR 11927

  • The methods to complete, abandon, defer and deadletter a message along with the method to renew message lock have been moved from the message to the receiver. With this, we now have additional validation to ensure that a peeked message cannot be used with these methods.

  • Method and interface renames based on user studies and internal reviews:

    • The word "Message" is added to all methods and interfaces related to creating and sending a batch of messages for clarity based on user studies:
      • The createBatch method on the sender is renamed to createMessageBatch.
      • The interface CreateBatchOptions followed by the options that are passed to the createBatch method is renamed to CreateMessageBatchOptions.
      • The tryAdd method on the message batch object is renamed to tryAddMessage.
    • Renames to ServiceBusMessage and CorrelationRuleFilter fields to better align with the AMQP spec:
      • "properties" renamed to "applicationProperties".
    • "label" renamed to "subject".
    • The interface CreateReceiverOptions followed by options that are passed to ServiceBusClient.createReceiver method is renamed to ServiceBusReceiverOptions.
    • The interface AcceptSessionOptions followed by options that are passed to ServiceBusClient acceptSession and acceptNextSession methods is renamed to ServiceBusSessionReceiverOptions.
    • The property maxAutoRenewLockDurationInMs of interface ServiceBusSessionReceiverOptions is renamed to maxAutoLockRenewalDurationInMs to be consistent with a similar option for renewing messages.
    • The property subQueue in the options passed to the createReceiver() method is renamed to subQueueType to reflect that the value is restricted and not meant to contain any queue names. The corresponding type SubQueue is removed in favor of inlining the string literals that represent valid values.
  • SqlRuleFilter interface "sqlExpression" changed from optional to required.

  • ServiceBusSender.scheduleMessages method signature updated: scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc and messages parameters are swapped as the messages are the primary object that is being worked with.

  • NamespaceProperties interface property "messageSku" type changed from "string" to string literal type "Basic" | "Premium" | "Standard" to reflect the limited types it supports.

  • NamespaceProperties interface property "namespaceType" has been removed as it does not provide any value.

  • Interfaces corresponding to the returned responses from the methods under the ServiceBusAdministrationClient such as NamespacePropertiesResponse, QueueResponse, TopicRuntimePropertiesResponse have been removed in favor of using generic type WithResponse<T> for a cleaner API surface.
    PR 10491

  • Updated the update{Entity} methods under ServiceBusAdministrationClient with relevant param names and types, more docs.
    PR 12013

  • The raw responses(_response) in the returned objects from any of the methods under the ServiceBusAdministrationClient have been updated to return only the {request, status, headers}, properties such as parsedHeaders, parsedBody have been removed.
    PR 12015

  • viaPartitionKey property of interface ServiceMessageBus has been removed until we implement the Transactions feature of Service Bus.

  • Removed AmqpAnnotatedMessage, AmqpMessageHeaders, AmqpMessageProperties interfaces in favour of the ones from @azure/core-amqp. This is part of the move from @azure/core-amqp version update from 1.1.x to 2.0.0-beta.y. As part of this, userId will not be made available as part of AmqpMessageProperties until its type is fixed in the upstream rhea library.
    PR 12091