Scannit is an extensible Java metadata scanner inspired upon scannotation and reflections. It currently contains scanners which scan the classpath for:
- Class level annotations
- Field level annotations
- Method level annotations
- Sub/Supertype hierarchy
Scannit relies on some libraries to provide services, these are:
- Javassist: For the bytecode reading of classfiles
- Truezip: For the scanning of the classpath and traversing through jars as though they're a filesystem
- Guava: For the collections API
Configuration config = Configuration.config()
.with(new SubTypeScanner(), new TypeAnnotationScanner())
Scannit scannit = new Scannit(config);
Set<Class<?>> clazzes = scannit.getTypesAnnotatedWith(MyAnnotation.class);
Set<Class<?>> subClazzes = scannit.getSubTypesOf(ParentClass.class);
Extending Scannit is pretty easy, you can write a new Scanner by extending nl.javadude.scannit.scanner.AbstractScanner and implementing void doScan(ClassFile file, Registry registry)