Releases: willianantunes/django-graphql-playground
Releases · willianantunes/django-graphql-playground
1.0.0: Merge pull request #7 from willianantunes/hotfix/major/sample
This list of changes was auto generated.
0.2.1: Merge pull request #6 from willianantunes/release/seed-db-qa
- 857c4ef Merge pull request #6 from willianantunes/release/seed-db-qa
- 36c0b73 Merge pull request #5 from willianantunes/feature/improved-seed-db
- 6a09ba2 Only inform through STDOUT instead of raising error
- 5afea26 Updated build status and no need for Azure DevOps Coverage
This list of changes was auto generated.
0.1.1: Merge pull request #4 from willianantunes/hotfix/simulated-bug-fix-issue
- dbdef2f Merge pull request #4 from willianantunes/hotfix/simulated-bug-fix-issue
- 3f201dd Test commit to have something in hotfix branch sample
This list of changes was auto generated.
0.1.0: Merge pull request #3 from willianantunes/release/heroku-qa
- 4d8608c Merge pull request #3 from willianantunes/release/heroku-qa
- 152039c Another issue with Azure DevOps
- 39daa68 Merge pull request #2 from willianantunes/feature/add-heroku-support
- 67cb380 Usage of DATABASE_URL if available
- 77405be Utility method to extract DB properties from URL provided by Heroku
- f446798 YAML instead of Procfile as it is not working with container registry
- 037b8b4 Updates overall dependencies and added gunicorn and gevent
- a4434ed To make TSHOOT easier regarding Heroku
- 7b649c4 80 is protected, by default only root user can create TCP LISTEN on it
- 278725c In order for the user inside Docker to be able to create db file
See more
- 7f18e32 Updated Dockerfile with better strategy for user
- 22a406a Tips about GitFlow
- e9d0ac1 Simple Procfile without Release Phase Task yet
- d4d7c3b Only PORT instead of custom ADDRESS as well
- dd6bb83 Heroku suggestion regarding security and so on
- 49105f6 Optimization to deal with large data sets
- cd450f2 Usage of tenacity, refactored logic and some decorators
- 09d48fa Maybe better way to serve static from WSGI and LimitOffsetPagination
- 34bebdf Specific service for IT in Docker Compose
- f972132 Updated tox recipe
- c5ee2c6 dockerignore same as gitignore
- 5f628d8 Dedicated section about issues on
- 4bd160d Updated STOMP consumer and producer services
- 82a3990 Updated tox recipe with new strategy for IT
- 12f8f1d Skip test and mention about why
- 23b602f To make STOMP port available externally
- 238fc55
is the standard folder - c992543 Updated Azure DevOps to support .env
- 874133f Missing pipenv configuration to ignore .venv
- 9050ccb Integration tests with ActiveMQ and ignoring them for while (see tox)
- ff9e6b7 Good use of yet another Django helper
- f5a1fe9 STOMP standard port was wrong
- f6272b3 Entire new App to do a playground with STOMP through ActiveMQ
- 113981c As the new column was added to the Category model
- 521ff71 Workarounds in one unique file (conftest regarding pytest)
- bf1b016 Updated Category model
- 50b26e7 New dependency to play with
- 6d3823a Helper method to check database
- 9ac7382 Sample .env file
- 4cfbc86 Dedicated DockerfileTest for remote interpreter
- 6eea99a Updated .gitignore
- ade7281 Mypy static type checker
- 056739f Usage of CONN_MAX_AGE
- 8914057 Updated seed_db command with --only-super-user option
- ff6c0fc Updated documentation with Docker instructions
- 53f8c88 Option to hide password output to stdout
- 2fe4c98 Moved scripts files to the root folder
- f72eb06 Making use of the custom Django command
- 90cee8b Custom Django command to seed database
- 9a43a65 Test coverage badge for Azure DevOps
- 244f8e2 Azure DevOps instead of Travis and updated build badge status
- 358d1fc Updated recipes for Dockerfile and tox and instructions for coverage
- 7edd043 Updated CodeClimate exclude_patterns
- 9a84704 Typo
- 015145d Setup of DRF filtering feature
- b72fb64 Abstract Model with common behavior and updated tests to comply with
- 55b9212 New approach to organize a Django project
- 5c88216 Updated tox recipe
- 8928954 Use of Pipenv
- 2702116 Updated black setup
- d22a49a As propagate is set to False, a workaround is needed to pass the tests
- 3217e25 Custom formatter for console stream
- 6fa674c Test for logged in, logged out and failed login actions
- 4f862e6 Django signal dispatcher configuration
- c94676b Project log level as INFO by default
- 77e03b3 Missed configuration for new location
- 5f63f40 New Python version: 3.7.3
- 693952a Change Django application from API to APP
- 5ba0bda Typo
- 2adf760 Concentrate all URLs configuration in one place
- 227aa04 Assert admin filter configuration for Category model
- 4e32152 Assert admin column configuration for Category model
- 568c8a8 A place for common admin service and sample usage
- ac016b4 Readability, please...
- f8213fa WSGI only serves static if DEV is set as the ENVIRONMENT
- 4e5c51b Updated scrip to run Django and .dockerignore file
- 8544668 Excluding specific files from analysis
- 3c9f64c Unneeded file
- c0ef539 Black badge
- 91bffe9 To make start_at and end_at optional on ADMIN interface
- cf05db3 Set some Django loggers from env property
- 91e3ffc To generate the list of SQL queries
- 151b59c New GraphQLView configuration and tests with GraphQL clients
- b72f0b0 Custom GraphQLView to make good use of DRF authentication setup
- b44602c To configure Django debugging setup with environment variable
- 7f2225a DRF authentication with integration tests
- 130d089 Better Travis image for it
- e2ce496 Django with PostgreSQL
- 4ca9f9e Scripts to deal with Docker needs
- 15f2e9c Nginx should handle this
- ba33941 Index for created_at field on each model
- 2dcc3a2 Categories configured between provided date
- db5207d New fields to Category model (start_at and end_at) and DRF mapping
- 6fda4b7 Setup and usage of tox
- 9377b7f Setup DB from env variables
- b007acd Unneeded step
- e860b06 Updated tests and sample usage of created_at
- 5cf01d0 To make fields available for DRF and GraphQL
- a93a60b To avoid exception from get function
- 436ef59 New fields on each model
- 91d8a98 Delete operation
- bd9bebb To consult a specific category
- d619ff0 Updated model and makemigrations
- cc82bd8 isort configuration file
- d8eafca To make tests of each step clearer
- aac1ad3 Fixture live_server persists data during pytest execution
- 2e852fd Testing with some GraphQL clients
- ce02af3 To enable consults from REST clients (disabling CSRF validation)
- dafaf48 Updated tests with GraphQL queries instead of mutations
- 28fbd07 Use of fixture
- 6bdaf51 Typo
- 6fd890a Badges (Travis and CodeClimate)
- d4fceb3 Travis cache directive
- 186eafc Removal of unnecessary packages and inclusion of usage versions
- 882cfe6 Result of makemigrations
- 8f998b0 In order to make Travis and CodeClimate work
- 12339a5 Useful links
- 41cbfe2 Graphene integration tests
- 2a7eec4 Graphene setup
- 8838da2 Models testing
- 69ab...