An honest place to play with this fantastic framework with GraphQL with help of Graphene.
Simply execute:
docker run -itd --name django-graphql-playground \
-p 8000:80 \
willianantunes/django-graphql-playground \
/bin/bash /app/
Access on your browser: http://localhost:8000/admin/
See the logs:
docker logs -f django-graphql-playground
This project uses pipenv
, so you must have it (see how here). It is the recommended tool to work with dependency management by
At the root of project, issue the following command:
pipenv install --dev --ignore-pipfile
Then do the following commands:
pipenv run python makemigrations
pipenv run python migrate
Run it:
pipenv run python runserver
Or if you prefer:
docker-compose up
I did some integration tests to see if Grafene Testing Tools is who he really says he is.
Execute the following to test everything:
PIPENV_DONT_LOAD_ENV=1 pipenv run pytest --ignore-glob='**/pubsub/**/*.py'
Useful links: