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How to use Pronunciation Assessment

Warley Soares edited this page Dec 22, 2024 · 2 revisions

To be able to use the pronunciation assessment feature you need to get an API key in Azure Speech Services. To do this follow these steps:

  1. Go to Azure Portal and create an account. You can get up to 1 year for free if you are a student.
  2. Click Create new resource and search for Speech service.
  3. Select the closest region to your, click Create and wait until it finishes.
  4. After that you will find you API key, copy it and go to PronKi settings.
  5. Click Configure Microsoft Azure API and paste it there, also select the same region and the language that you will practice.
  6. The boring part is done, now you can navigate to Flashcards tab, select a deck and hold the mic button to start your assessment. Don't forget to give permission to record audio.

This video may help (in Portuguese):

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