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Bruce Bailey edited this page Sep 20, 2024 · 3 revisions

Minutes for meeting September 20th, 2024

Attendance (12): Alastair Campbell, Bruce Bailey, Dan Bjore, Filippo Zorzi, Francis Storr, Giacomo Petri, Gundula Nieumann, Ken Franqueiro, Lori Oakley, Mike Gower, Patrick Lauke, Scott O'Hara.



  • Two items in For Discussion, seven items Ready for Review.
  • Backend updates (from Ken).
  • Status update on Understanding Reflow work-in-progress (from Scott).
  • Otherwise following our standing agenda, working from the Project Board.

Review ‘For discussion’ items

Update definition for single pointer #3536 closely reviewed and finalized. Current word, "single point on the page" conflates input with function. Previously, TF and AG had agreement for a change, including moving examples to a note. Dan had concerns for use of mechanism since that is a defined term, and preferred adding clarity through examples in the Note. The word "modality" was substituted, and it is use here is consistent with other uses of that word in WCAG (including Guideline 2.5 and AAA SC 2.5.6 Concurrent Input Mechanism). The revision diff is in PR 4070. Revised and Returned to Errata for CFC column.

Editorial suggestions for consistent links to definitions and capitalization #3038 closely reviewed by Mike for instances of "text" and reverted a few (i.e., not be linked to the defined term). Mike walked group through PR. Returned to Errata for CFC column.

Change on Request update for issue #738 #754 had a build error. Ken changed a setting on the repo backend which resolved the difficulty. Returned to Sent for WG Approval column.

Other Discussion

Time permitting, items of interest to participants, including open discussions.

Repo Backend

Ken initiated discussion that he is actively working on an index page. Most recent attempt had build failures, but they were instructive. Ken also addressed question from last week, where to put large files? Question is not resolved but some other W3C media is hosted with Cloud Flair Stream, which would have additional benefit of supporting downing. AWS implementation comes with a heavy amount of JavaScript and requires an iFrame implementation, which not optimal for a few reason. WAI's current use of YouTube was also discussed, but it has similar drawbacks.

Patrick would also like to know where best to post working examples for non-modal dialog boxes.

Reflow Understanding

Updated Reflow understanding doc #4055 is still in a work in progress with no significant updates since last week. Also as discussed last week, it is purposely set as a Draft PR. Please do review the preview version, but feedback should focus on parts that are the most finished.

Obsolete Technics

The issue of obsolete technics came up in context the context of Silverlight technics. Recently, there was a question on list about SMIL, and that it might still be used with ePUB. Is there a need for an index to obsoleted techniques when the point is to not have them linked from Understanding while avoiding 404s? Question deferred to EO.

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