Main Changes
- New framework for observation types:
- A user can create new observation types
- observation type interaction with Modeldata (+ vectorfield observationtypes)
- A toolkit version of the buddy check (equivalent to TITAN's buddy check, but in python)
- Bug fixes
What's Changed
- Siebe bug by @vergauwenthomas in #364
- Titanlib extra by @vergauwenthomas in #367
- include options in template by @vergauwenthomas in #368
- framework for a python buddy check equivalent of TITAN by @vergauwenthomas in #375
- setup a os matrix for pip install testing of the metobs toolkit by @vergauwenthomas in #376
- start of the obervation type module by @vergauwenthomas in #377
- add interactive and time evolution folium plot by @vergauwenthomas in #381
- fix Copyright holder (see #382) by @vergauwenthomas in #383
- update the introduction example to use the demo datafiles + documentation update by @vergauwenthomas in #390
- trigger doc builder by @vergauwenthomas in #393
- Update README.md by @vergauwenthomas in #395
- Fix the pages deployment of the documentation by @vergauwenthomas in #396
- Add a Contribution file by @vergauwenthomas in #398
- Paper by @vergauwenthomas in #400
- Gee example fix by @vergauwenthomas in #409
- should typo by @vergauwenthomas in #411
- Update template_mapping.rst by @cksharma2468 in #412
- conv metadf to geodataframe on pickle import by @vergauwenthomas in #415
New Contributors
- @cksharma2468 made their first contribution in #412
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3