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Flashing Opsis on Xenial

Carl Karsten edited this page May 22, 2018 · 1 revision

How to update the HDMI2USB-litex-firmware from the HDMI2USB prebuilt repository onto your Numato Opsis board.

Install hdmi2usb-mode-switch and its dependencies.

sudo apt --assume-yes install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:timvideos/fpga-support
sudo apt install hdmi2usb-mode-switch  

Get the stable version:

python3 --platform opsis

Flash the stable version: (If you have more than one .bin you will need to specify the full filename.)

hdmi2usb-mode-switch -v --flash-image image-gateware+bios+firmware*.bin

This seems to always happen: You see 181818181818181 the first time you try to flash:

DNA = 110000001100000011000000110000001100000011000000110000001 (0x181818181818181)

It is a problem; the solution for now is...

sudo hdmi2usb-mode-switch -v --mode serial

then retry the --flash-image step above, it seems to always work the 2nd time.

Here are some other problems:


notes about version versions

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