Notable Changes
⭐ Generate Engine.ini based on ENV vars https://palworld-server-docker.loef.dev/getting-started/configuration/engine-settings
⭐ Add support for Discord Mentions
🛠️ Better ARM compatibility
🛠️ Change rcon logic after update
What's Changed
- Generate Engine.ini based on ENV vars by @thijsvanloef in #454
- Discord: Add support for Mentions by @thijsvanloef in #455
- Add DISABLE_GENERATE_ENGINE to docs by @thijsvanloef in #466
- add rcon-wrapper docs by @thijsvanloef in #467
- update manifest id, fix typo by @thijsvanloef in #470
- updated german sites and added new sites according to the changes since last translation by @tomxpcvx in #471
- Update en README.md to correct spelling mistakes by @chowhi123 in #475
- Remove -rcon arg statement by @43414d in #473
- Update ko-kr README.md by @chowhi123 in #476
- Better compatibility for ARM64 hosts by @sonroyaalmerol in #464
New Contributors
- @chowhi123 made their first contribution in #475
Full Changelog: 0.29.1...0.30.0