This is a simple C program containing 6 C files and 5 header files. Also a data file named "question.txt" is created to store the questions of quiz and display it. For wordle, there is a file named "word.txt" that contains the dictionary of words. Authentication also has a data file named "Users.txt"
- main.c
- ticTacToe.c
- wordleN.c
- quiz.c
- authentication.c
- rockPaperScissors.c
- authentication.h
- rockPaperSciccors.h
- ticTacToe.h
- wordle.h
- quiz.h
- word.txt
- quiz.txt
- Users.txt
- TicTacToe
- Wordle
- General Quiz
- RockPaperScissors
This was developed as a academic project in first semester. Pulchowk Campus
- Anil Shrestha
- Ashok Bk
- Ashok Neupane(me)
- Aagaman Sharma
Put all the aforementioned files in folder and Run the following command in the the terminal in that folder.
gcc main.c quiz.c wordleN.c ticTacToe.c authentication.c rockPaperScissors.c -o run.exe -Wall