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Chris edited this page Aug 5, 2019 · 13 revisions


The core utility and main purpose of that tool is to MERGE VCFs information into one VCF without losing any data from the input vcfs vcfMerger2 can merge from 2 to N VCFs files.

###The simplest way for running vcfMerger2

The easiest way to use vcfMerger2 is:

  1. to call on the script in bin directory (normally in your PATH; ( See Installation )
  2. to use somatic RAW VCFs from different variant caller as inputs

Inputs are RAW VCFs

-d ${DIRTEMP}  
--dict ${REF_GENOME_DICT} 
--toolnames "tool1|tool2|tool3" 
--vcfs "tool1.raw.vcf|tool2.raw.vcf|tool3.raw.vcf" 
--prep-outfilenames "tool1.prepped.vcf|tool2.prepped.vcf|tool3.prepped.vcf"
--normal-sname NORMAL_SAMPLENAME  
--tumor-sname TUMOR_SAMPLENAME 
-o final_merged.vcf 

Quick details about the options used above:
-d : Directory where the temporary files will be written ; final merged file will be writen in current directory unless relative of full path provided.
-g : Reference Genome in FASTA format
--dict: Dictionanry file for the Reference Genome given with -g
--toolnames : ordered piped list of somatic variant caller toolnames; To see the list of tool compatible with vcfMerger2, click here
--vcfs : ordered piped list of RAW VCFs from compatible somatic variant callers ; The order of the files in the list is important and must match the order of the toolnames given using --toolnames
--prep-outfilenames : ordered piped list of Intermediate names for the vcfMerger2-prepped VCFs. Order MUST match order given with --toolnames
--normal-sname : Name of the Constitutional Sample as defined in at least one of the given Somatic RAW VCF
--tumor-sname : Name of the Tumor Sample as defined in at least one of the given Somatic RAW VCF
-o : Name of the Final Merged VCF

Help and Options

To get the full list of options of vcfMerger2, run: --help or python3 --help
python3 ${DIR_INSTALL_VCF_MERGER2}/bin/ --help


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