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Chris edited this page Aug 13, 2019 · 11 revisions


How to Install vcfMerger2

You can install vcfMerger2 in three ways:

  1. download the git repository as a compressed archived, uncompressed and untar the archive, and update your PATH with the command
    export PATH=/install_directory/vcfMerger2/bin/:${PATH}

  2. clone the repository and add the bin directory to your PATH as described above.

  3. clone a specific release version of vcfMerger2, such as for instance for the version 0.5.0-beta, the following command:
    git clone [email protected]:tgen/vcfMerger2.git --release 0.6.1-beta
    git clone --release 0.6.1-beta

vcfMerger2 requirements

Operating System Compatible

  • linux system
  • not tested on MacOSx
  • not windows-compatible


All the following tools must be in your PATH before running vcfMerger2 scripts


  • grep
  • awk
  • echo
  • find
  • sed
  • xxd


  • python 3.6.0 or up

we only tested our vcfMerger2 tool with version 3.6.0 of Python; feedback appreciated if you have successfully used a different version of Python along with a different newer version of the python modules)

Python Modules

Enumeration of the python modules' used while testing vcfMerger2 (associated version in parenthesis)

non Built-in
- cyvcf2 (0.8.4)
- intervene (0.6.4) [implies you also must install R packages UpSetR (tested with version v1.3.3) ]
- argparse (1.1)
- json (2.0.9)
- logging (
- Pillow (6.0.0)
- natsort (5.0.3)
- collections
- getopt
- gzip
- shutil
- subprocess
- sys, os, time, re 
- warnings

Other Tools

  • samtools 1.7 or up (tested with 1.7 and 1.9)
  • bcftools 1.7 or up (tested with 1.7 and 1.9)
  • bedtools 2.26.0 or up (tested with 2.26.0)
  • vt v0.57721 or up (tests done with v0.57721)
  • snpSift 4.3t or up (snpSift.jar ; tested with 4.2 and 4.3t)
  • phASER v1.1.1 or up (test done with v1.1.1)
