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Columbus 5 Wallet Migration Guide

yys edited this page Sep 30, 2021 · 18 revisions

Migration Guide

Columbus-5 is designed to support almost all legacy interfaces for legacy services. However, there are inevitable core changes due to breaking changes from CosmosSDK and CosmWasm.

Breaking Changes V2

The Cosmos team found vulnerabilities in legacy tx support. To remedy this issue, they removed legacy [POST] /txs endpoints from v0.44.0.

Proto Tx

To avoid sudden large changes, Columbus-5 introduces the custom endpoint [POST] /txs. This endpoint internally converts the legacy tx to a new proto style tx with some additional inputs and then broadcasts the converted txs.
See PR 551 for more information.

This new feature is applied in [email protected]:

  "tx": StdTx,
  "mode": "block" | "sync" | "async",
   // The following fields are newly introduced optional arguments.
   // To convert legacy tx to new proto tx, you need each signer's sequence number.
   // If this field is not given, fetch the sequence from the chain state.
   // Normal users can skip this field as well.
   // Users sending tx faster than block time must provide this field.
  "sequences": ["1", "2"],
  "fee_granter": "",

(optional) Add timeout_height to StdTx

To use timeout_height, please define timeout_height in your legacy StdTX:

StdTx {
...original params
"timeout_height": "100", // block height
StdSignDoc == StdSignMsg {
   ...original params
   "timeout"?: "100" | undefined // if you want to use timeout_height feature, you have to define this property to sign doc before signing

Offline TxHash Generation

Please be aware that with this update, generated txbytes differ from legacy:

  • Generated TxHash is not the same as hash(sha256sum(legacyTxBytes)).

To generate a proper txhash offline, use proto encoding for a new proto txbytes.

We are keeping the proto libraries in Use these libraries or leave issues for new language support.


Wallet developers and terra.js users need to update their program to use Terra's custom /txs end point or the new proto style /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs:

  • v2.0.14 - supports legacy endpoint /txs with other legacy query endpoints.
    const response = lcd.broadcast(tx, {sequences: [100]}); // please pass optional sequences, if you keep sequence number in local.
  • v2.1.7 - supports new style endpoints with whole proto support.

Breaking Changes on Tx Generation

When using terra.js, simply bump the version to bombay tag $ npm i @terra-money/terra.js.

Normal wallet developers must apply the following updates:

  1. /auth/accounts/{address}

The coins field is removed from the response. Use one of following endpoints to get coins:

  • /bank/balances/{address}
  • /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/{address}
  • /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/{address}/{denom}
  1. /txs/estimate_fee

The Request format is changed to receive BaseReq with msgs:

      "memo":"Sent via Terra Station 🚀",

The response format is also changed to return StdFee:

  "fee": {
    "gas": "string",
    "amount": [
        "denom": "uluna",
        "amount": "50"
  1. If you want to migrate the interface to new Protobuf style endpoint, you can refer
  • /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/simulate
  • /terra/tx/v1beta1/compute_tax

Breaking Changes on Deposit Check

Transfer Event Format

The coin_received & coin_spent events are added. The value of message.action has been changed to use protobuf namespace. For example, formal send becomes /

"logs": [