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Columbus 2 Upgrade Instructions

Do Kwon edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 13 revisions


The following document describes the necessary steps involved that a full node must take in order to upgrade from columbus-1 to columbus-2. The Terra team will post an official updated genesis file, but it is recommended that validators execute the following instructions in order to verify the resulting genesis file.


As a validator performing the upgrade procedure on your consensus nodes carries a heightened risk of double-signing and being slashed. The most important piece of this procedure is verifying your software version and genesis file hash before starting your validator and signing.

The riskiest thing a validator can do is discover that they made a mistake and repeat the upgrade procedure again during the network startup. If you discover a mistake in the process, the best thing to do wait for the network to start before correcting it. If they network is halted and you have started with a different genesis file than the expected one, seek advice from a Terra Core developer on discord before resetting your validator.


Release v0.2.0 will contain the correct version for columbus-2. The Changelog will be updated to reflect the changes.

Upgrade Steps

  1. The version of the core, v0.2.1, which currently all full nodes in the network run, contains a zero height export bug related to distribution and vesting account. This bug has been fixed in a hotfix release v0.2.1 (TODO). (skip this step if you already have v0.2.1+)

    1. Checkout and install the v0.2.1 release

      $ git checkout v0.2.1; git pull; make
    2. Verify the binary versions

      $ terracli version --long
      core: 0.2.1
      git commit: 773f8450478ebcc12902913aadce43977442e5be
      go.sum hash: 66dc7d804e4b546420aa507f5e7f861f0e6ed5de1ee3428276f3e5e0858f37f7
      build tags: netgo ledger
      go version go1.12.3 darwin/amd64
      $ terrad version --long
      core: 0.2.1
      git commit: 773f8450478ebcc12902913aadce43977442e5be
      go.sum hash: 66dc7d804e4b546420aa507f5e7f861f0e6ed5de1ee3428276f3e5e0858f37f7
      build tags: netgo ledger
      go version go1.12.3 darwin/amd64
  2. Export existing state from columbus-1.

    1. Export genesis state to file
      terrad export --for-zero-height --height=580000 > columbus-1-genesis-export.json
    2. Verify the SHA256 of the (sorted) generated export file
      jq -S -c -M '' columbus-1-genesis-export.json | shasum -a 256
  3. The exported genesis state generated in step (2) must now be modified to include the modified vesting schedules for the several accounts.

    python3 contrib/export/ columbus-1-genesis-export.json contrib/export/i-4-vesting-type-accounts.csv --chain-id=columbus-2 --start-time=2019-06-06T06:00:00Z | jq -S -c -M '' > genesis.json
  4. Verify the SHA256 of the final genesis JSON

    sha256sum genesis.json
    65fb13b7136e641eb90ccd8fbe67810bf292a0c6b071b975cf73dcc72b3e21fe  genesis.json
  5. Copy the final genesis JSON into the ~/.terrad/config/ directory.

  6. Reset state

    terrad unsafe-reset-all
  7. Restart the node!