A repository for all the current and past discussions and tutorialss at Cookies 'n' Code at Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing (CAS), Swinburne.
- Keep your comments constructive.
- As much as possible, keep your comments positive. If you have to say “That’s not the right way to do that”, maybe add “but it’s a good/common starting point”.
- Keep conversation to a minimum when someone is presenting/talking to the whole group.
You can find all of the covered topics here.
- An Introduction to SSH: SSH Keys and SSH Config (Adam Batten, @abatten)
- Getting started with version control (Git and Github) (Manodeep Sinha, @manodeep)
- A beginner's guide to vaex (Mohsen Shamohammadi, @mshamohammadi)
- A particular artwork with numpy and matplotlib (Rob Bassett, @robbassett)
- Zoerto-Obsidian Integration (Robert A. Mostoghiu Paun, @robmost)
- Getting started with version control (git and mercurial) (Manodeep Sinha, @manodeep) BEGINNER FRIENDLY
- Intro to git
- Version control with Git (Rory Elliot)
- Creating and hosting your website with github (Adam Batten, @abatten)
- Python Basics (Dany Vohl, @macrocosme)
- Intro to Pandas for (Leonie Chevalier, @leoniechevalier)
- Python Virtual Environments Cheat-Sheet (Colin Jacobs, @coljac)
- Running jupyter notebooks remotely (Wael Farah, @wfarah)
- Introduction to Python decorators and factories (Ellert van der Velden, @1313e)
- Introduction to (Py)Qt5 (Ellert van der Velden, @1313e)
- A beginner's guide to vaex (Mohsen Shamohammadi, @mshamohammadi)
- Making Pretty Matplotlib Plots with plt.rcParams (Adam Batten, @abatten)
- A particular artwork with numpy and matplotlib (Rob Bassett, @robbassett)
- XGBoost: Predicting the winners of AFL games (Rob Bassett, @robbassett)
- Introduction to Python (Tyson Dial, @tdial2000)
- Python classes (Tyson Dial, @tdial2000)
- Introduction to SED Fitting with Bagpipes (Lena Pless)
- Exploring the relationships between variables using Gaussian Processes (Agne Semenaite)
- Graph Neural Networks using Pytorch (Shreejit Jadhav)
- KCWI spectral cube analysis with QFitsView (Lydia Haacke)
- Interactive Python Plots with Bokeh (Aditya Parthasarathy, @aparthas3112)
- Dos and do-nots for plotting in Python (Renée Spiewak, @respiewak)
- Passing Matplotlib axes to functions to make easy multi-panel plots (Jacob Seiler, @jacobseiler)
- Interacting with points in a python plot (Sabine Bellstedt, @SabineBellstedt)
- Making interactive plots with Bokeh + Custom Colormaps(Robert Dzudzar, @rdzudzar)
- Interactive matplotlib with Jupyter notebooks (Jonah Gannon)
- Interactive plots and GUI's with matplotlib (Tyson Dial, @tdial2000)
- Jupyter Notebook with with line_profiler (Jacob Seiler, @jacobseiler)
- Speeding up your Python code -- writing a C extension for python (Manodeep Sinha, @manodeep)
- Speeding up your Python code -- writing a Cython extension (Wael Farah, @wfarah)
- Modularising and Packaging Your Code (Adam Batten, @abatten)
- Introduction to building a Python package (Ellert van der Velden, @1313e)
- Automating Testing With Travis (Jacob Seiler, @jacobseiler)
All the talks are stored and indexed on Zenodo
- Web scraping and wordclouds with python (Manodeep Sinha, @manodeep)
- Predict the gender of a name using ML (Wael Farah, @wfarah)
- XGBoost: Predicting the winners of AFL games (Rob Bassett, @robbassett)
- Working with satellite imagery from Digital Earth Australia (Caitlin Adams, @caitlinadams
- Shell environments and Scripting (Leonie Chevalier, @leoniechevalier and Manodeep Sinha, @manodeep)
- Introduction to awk (Manodeep Sinha, @manodeep)
- Shell Tips and Tricks (Adam Batten, @abatten)
- Version Control Dotfile (Adam Batten, @abatten)
- Some Useful, Modern Command Line Utilities (Daniel Berke, @DBerke)
- Demystifying C pointers and function calls (Manodeep Sinha, @manodeep)
- Intel Vtune Visual Profiler (Jacob Seiler, @jacobseiler)
- Getting Started on OzSTAR (Manodeep Sinha, @manodeep)
- Running jupyter notebooks remotely (Wael Farah, @wfarah)
- Running large language models on OzSTAR (Colin Jacobs)
- S2PLOT -- 3D interactive visualization tool (Chris Fluke, @cfluke) GEM on 26/04/2017
- Creating a GPU version of an existing CPU code (Greg Poole, @gpoole)
- Understanding how Executables and Packages are Found (Manodeep Sinha, @manodeep)
- Makefiles (Manodeep Sinha, @manodeep)
- Scheduling jobs with cron (Oliver Coad, @olivercoad)
- Postdoc job application guide (Chris Blake)
- An Introduction to SSH: SSH Keys and SSH Config (Adam Batten, @abatten) BEGINNER FRIENDLY
- Intro to setting up SSH Keys and SSH config (Adam Batten, @abatten)
- SSH Autocompletion Script (from SciCoder via @respiewak)