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Introduction to Python decorators and factories

In Python, it may sometimes be useful to apply a specific operation on several function/class definitions. Think for example about reusing the same docstring several times throughout a Python package, or wanting to register all function names in a global list. In the first case, it would be inconvenient to have to copy/paste the same docstring snippet over and over again, especially when you want to make a change to it later on (and you realize you used it over 100 times). However, Python has a solution to this problem: decorators and factories.

What are decorators?

A Python decorator is any callable object (usually a function) that takes a function/class definition as its sole input argument, performs one or several operations on it and returns a similar definition with added functionality. So, the most basic decorator one could write would be:

def my_decorator(func):

This decorator simply takes a function definition and returns it immediately, without modifying it. For this reason, it does not really have a purpose, but it does show the absolute basic structure of a decorator.

Decorators can be applied to a function/class definition by using the @ marker in Python. Let's define a test function first (it returns the sum of the two input arguments):

def test(a, b):

The decorated version of this function would look like:

def test(a, b):

Whenever Python encounters the use of a decorator, it provides the function/class definition it is used on to the decorator and assigns what is returned as the new definition. Therefore, using a decorator in this way is the same as executing:

def test(a, b):
    return(a, b)
test = my_decorator(test)

Examples of decorators

The decorator from before had no functionality at all, as it simply returned the definition that was provided to it. Here, I introduce two different types of decorators: wrapper and utility.

Wrapper decorators

A wrapper decorator is a decorator that modifies the inputs and outputs of a definition. It does this by creating a new definition within the decorator call that uses the original definition, but changes the way it is used in. The basic structure of a decorator that modifies the returned object of a definition is as follows:

def my_decorator(func):
    def do_nothing(*args, **kwargs):
        return(func(*args, **kwargs))

This decorator takes a function definition as func, saves its definition locally and returns a function do_nothing. When called, do_nothing simply calls the local func with all input arguments and returns its output. Therefore, in essence, this decorator does not have any functionality.

However, we can change this. Let's say that we want a decorator that adds 1 to the output of a function. Then the decorator would look like this:

def add_one(func):
    def do_adding(*args, **kwargs):
        return(func(*args, **kwargs)+1)

If we now use this decorator on our test function from before:

def test(a, b):

Then the following will be true:

>>> test(2, 6)

What happened here is that our decorator add_one returned a function definition do_adding, which calls the original func, adds 1 to its output and then returns it. For that reason, the answer will be 9.

It is also possible to modify the input of our test function. For example, let's say that we want input argument b to always be equal to 1. Then, we can achieve this by using the following decorator (as the input is now modified, the decorator cannot be generalized):

def set_b_unity(func):
    b = 1
    def new_func(a):
        return(func(a, b))

Using this on our test function in the same way as before, will give us a function definition test(a). The b input argument can no longer be provided, as we set it to unity within the decorator. Using our new test function will give:

>>> test(2)
>>> test(5)
>>> test(2, 6)
TypeError: new_func() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

Here, we can see that the modified test function will raise an error if we provide more than one input argument. However, we can also see something else happening. The error message mentions the function new_func(), while our function was called test(). The reason for this is because we basically overrode the test() function and replaced it with new_func().

Obviously, this is not really desirable, as this also means that the docstring of the original test() function no longer exists and it shows quite clearly that the function was decorated. But, Python has a decorator (irony) to avoid this, called functools.wraps (although it will still not show the proper name in error messages). Using this decorator on new_func() will copy all important properties from func() to new_func(), making it look like it is the original definition.

So, we would have to modify both our decorators to:

from functools import wraps

def add_one(func):
    def do_adding(*args, **kwargs):
        return(func(*args, **kwargs)+1)

def set_b_unity(func):
    b = 1
    def new_func(a):
        return(func(a, b))

Now, our test function will correctly display its name and docstring. However, be aware that using wraps() in a decorator that modifies the inputs may lead to confusing situations, as the original docstring probably still mentions all input arguments the function originally took.

Utility decorator

Whereas a wrapper decorator indirectly modifies a definition by creating a new definition around it, an utility decorator makes its changes directly without wrapping anything. A simple example of an utility decorator would be a decorator that sets the name of a definition to 'hello':

def set_name(func):
    func.__name__ = 'hello'

def test(a, b):

>>> test.__name__

As you can see here, the decorator returns the original function after modifying one of its attributes (its name), unlike a wrapper decorator which returns a new definition.

Utility decorators can have many different uses, just like wrapper decorators. Remember that I mentioned that decorators can be used for copy/pasting docstrings into definitions? One could for example write a decorator that can substitute docstring snippets into the docstring of a definition. Below is a shortened version of the docstring_substitute decorator in my e13Tools package:

# Define custom decorator for substituting strings into a function's docstring
def docstring_substitute(*args, **kwargs):
    # Check if solely args or kwargs were provided
    if len(args) and len(kwargs):
        raise InputError("Either only positional or keyword arguments are "
        params = args or kwargs

    # This function performs the docstring substitution on a given definition
    def do_substitution(target):
        # Check if target has a docstring that can be substituted to
        if target.__doc__:
            # Perform docstring substitution
            target.__doc__ = target.__doc__ % (params)

        # Raise error if target has no docstring
            raise InputError("Target has no docstring available for "

        # Return the target definition

    # Return decorator function

Let's say that we want to substitute the line 'Hello' into the docstring of our test function. We could do this quite easily in the following way:

doc = 'Hello'

def test(a, b):

The docstring of our test function will now have 'Hello' twice, as can be seen by checking its docstring attribute:

>>> test.__doc__
'\n    Hello\n    Hello\n    '

This decorator would allow one to write a description of a very common input argument in a package once, save it somewhere and substitute it into every function/class definition it is required in. Not only would this make your descriptions consistent, it also saves you a lot of trouble if you ever want to change the description. (If you are interested, my e13Tools package has two other docstring decorators: one for copying the entire docstring of a function to another one and an other for appending a docstring to another.)

However, utility decorators do not necessarily change the attributes of a definition. For example, you might want a decorator that automatically adds the name of a definition to the __all__ declaration of a module. Such a decorator would look like this (full decorator):

from inspect import currentframe

# Define custom decorator for automatically appending names to __all__
def add_to_all(obj):
    # Obtain caller's frame
    frame = currentframe().f_back

    # Get __all__ list in caller's frame
    __all__ = frame.f_globals.get('__all__')

    # Append name of given obj to __all__

    # Return obj

If the module of the corresponding decorated function has a __all__ list, this decorator would add its name to that list. For those interested, currentframe() retrieves the frame/scope the user is currently in, allowing access to all of its bound namespaces. One can cycle through all higher frames/scopes using frame.f_back and view (and sometimes modify) them.

One final example of an utility decorator is the built-in property decorator, which allows one to add instance properties to a class definition. You can read more about its uses here.

Stacking decorators

In some cases, it might be necessary to use more than just a single decorator on a definition. For example, let's assume that we want to use our previous add_one decorator with a new double decorator (doubles the output) on our test function:

from functools import wraps

def add_one(func):
    def do_adding(*args, **kwargs):
        return(func(*args, **kwargs)+1)

def double(func):
    def do_doubling(*args, **kwargs):
        return(func(*args, **kwargs)*2)

def test(a, b):

This will return a function definition test() which has both decorators applied to it. In most cases, the order in which the decorators are applied does not matter, as they do not influence the same part of the definition. In this case however, both decorators influence the outcome of the function and therefore the order is important.

If we would use this new definition as test(2, 6), we should get either 17 or 18, depending on the order in which the decorators are applied. Think about which answer should be correct and why.

Executing this will give us:

>>> test(2, 6)

Now, take a moment to think about why the answer is 17 and not 18.

The reason for this can basically be found in the explanation of decorators above. Whenever a decorator is used, it takes the definition found right below it and returns a new definition. Therefore, the double decorator is applied first, which returns a new definition onto which the add_one decorator is applied. So, decorators are always applied from the bottom. As I have shown before, the application of these decorators could also be written as:

def test(a, b):

# Option 1
test = double(test)
test = add_one(test)

# Option 2
test = add_one(double(test))

As many decorators can be applied to the same definition as you want, and you can also stack the same decorator multiple times. Keep in mind though that stacking wrapper decorators means that calling the resulting definition will go through every single applied decorator and may make your code slower.

As you probably noticed, wraps() and docstring_substitute() are 'decorators' that take an input argument first. This is because they are actually decorator factories, which I will explain below.

Decorator factories

A decorator factory is a function that takes input arguments, saves them locally and returns a decorator definition. In essence, it is a special type of function factory, which I will explain later. In the case of the wraps() and docstring_substitute() decorator factories, one first provides it with the information on what is being wrapped or what should be substituted, respectively. It then returns an utility decorator that will use the provided input when the decorator is used on a definition.

For utility decorators, it is quite common that they are provided by decorator factories. However, one can also perfectly make a wrapper decorator factory. For example, let's say that we want to use add_one, but instead of applying it as many times as needed, we want a decorator that simply adds whatever number we want to the output. This can be done with a decorator factory:

from functools import wraps

def add_x(x):                           # Decorator factory
    def add_decorator(func):            # Decorator
        def do_adding(*args, **kwargs): # Wrapper function
            return(func(*args, **kwargs)+x)

def test(a, b):

Using the add_x() decorator factory, we have generated a decorator that always adds 5 to the output of our test function. It will now give us:

>>> test(2, 6)

As before, the application is as follows (where the decorator is generated first and then applied):

def test(a, b):

test = add_x(5)(test)

Function/class factories

The decorator factories I have shown above, are special types of function factories. As mentioned before, a function factory is a function that takes a set of input arguments, stores them locally and returns a function definition (or a class definition for class factories). Function factories other than decorator factories are usually only used in special situations, and you will probably not commonly encounter one. However, that does not mean they are not useful.

Whenever any definition is called, it has access to all input arguments that were provided to it (called locals) and all variables available in the namespace of the definition (called globals). Anything higher than the scope of this definition (so, the namespace in which it exists) has no access to the locals, while anything lower sees all locals as globals. The following will explain this a bit better, where I use comments to indicate what the globals and locals are in specific scopes (keep in mind that by default, globals can only be viewed and not modified, unless they are declared as local using the global statement):

var1 = 0

# globals contains all Python builtins
# locals contains var1

def test(var2):
    # globals contains builtins and var1
    # locals contains var2

def test2(var3):
    # globals contains builtins and var1
    # locals contains var3

def factory(var4):
    # globals contains builtins and var1
    # locals contains var4
    def test3(var5):
        # globals contains builtins, var1 and var4
        # locals contains var5

Whenever a scope exits (like, a function returns), all corresponding pointers to its locals are lost. If Python detects that an object has no pointers anymore, it will remove it from memory. However, this is where the usefulness of function factories comes in.

In the example given above, var4 is a local variable to factory(), but a global variable to test3(). As test3() is returned by the function factory, it is necessary for var4 to be available. For that reason, Python makes a special local environment for the test3() function such that var4 can be accessed (you can check this for yourself by looking at the namespace of the returned function). But, this environment is only available to the test3() function. As the scope of the user is outside the function factory after calling it, the user itself will only have access to the builtins and var1. Therefore, this makes the var4 variable private to the test3() function, and to my knowledge, this is the only way to make something as close to private as possible in Python (it can actually still be viewed from the outside by using currentframe() and frame.f_back mentioned above in a smart way, but this is incredibly hard).

So, what is the benefit of this? For example, we could rewrite our set_b_unity decorator from before to a proper function factory that allows for default values to be set:

def get_default_b_test(b):
    def test(a, b=b):

The code here is very similar as before, but it also has a few differences. By using a function factory, we were able to set a default value for b without the need for wrapping the function. This avoids the problem with misleading docstrings, as the docstring for test() can be written inside the function factory, including the default value for b (by using the docstring_substitute() decorator from before). Now, when executing get_default_b_test(5), we will get a test(a, b) function that by default has its b set to 5.

However, imagine that you have a function that when called once, should always be called with the exact same value for a specific input argument every single time it is called in this process. This can be done very quickly by simply removing the input argument b from test(a, b) in the definition above:

def get_static_b_test(b):
    def test(a):

get_static_b_test(5) will now return test(a) with b automatically set to 5 and nobody can change it.

Doing so can have a few benefits. Depending on what kind of functions you are using, it might be necessary to check the validity of the input arguments. If the user always has to provide the same value anyways, it is kind of pointless to validate that input argument every time the function is called, which might take quite some time to do. Plus, it is annoying that the user has to provide it the entire time. By using a function factory and validating the input value for b, it would allow you to check it once, and never having to do that again. And, it also becomes impossible for the user to accidentally provide a different value later on, as the created function does not take that input argument.

The same principle can be applied to class factories, where one wants to provide the same input argument(s) to the initialization of a class every time. Also note that all wrapper decorators are essentially function factories themselves.

Wrap up (TL;DR)

So, in summary, Python decorators are utility functions that enable you to apply a common operation onto several definitions by simply adding a single line above it. Their main use is to aid in the consistency and clarity of your code, avoiding having to write (and execute) several lines of code every time such an operation needs to be used. However, they have many other uses. You can find quite a few good tutorials on the internet about advanced use-cases of decorators by simply Googling for it, or you can watch a video on Python decorators from PyCon 2019.

Most decorators are produced by decorator factories; special types of function factories. Function/class factories allow you to create customized function/class definitions, which have been created to be used in specific situations. They allow a programmer to provide more control and customization over the workings of a definition, while they can also significantly speed up codes if used properly (by foregoing input argument validation and many if-statements for example).