Coral Edge TPU / TensorFlow-Lite samples (Python/C++, Raspberry Pi/Windows/Linux).
- Object detection by PiCamera or Video Capture.
- Image classifilcation by PiCamera or Video Capture.
- Object camouflage by PiCamera.
- Semantic Segmentation using DeepLab v3.
- Image segmentation by PiCamera
- Coral Edge TPU USB Accelerator
- Raspberry Pi (3 B+ / 4) + PiCamera or UVC Camera
- x64 PC(Windows or Linux) + Video file or UVC Camera
- Python3
- OpenCV with OpenCV's extra modules(3.4.5 or higher)
- Edge TPU Python library (Get started with the USB Accelerator)
Image classification:
$ python3 ./ --model=<PATH_TO_edgetpu.tflite> --label=<PATH_TO_LABELS_TXT>
Full command-line options:
$ python3 ./ -h