is an R
package to streamline data analysis in R
. Learning both R
and introductory statistics at the same time can be challenging, and so we created rigr
to facilitate common data analysis tasks and enable learners to focus on statistical concepts.
, formerly known as uwIntroStats
, provides easy-to-use interfaces for descriptive statistics, one- and two-sample inference, and regression analyses. rigr
output includes key information while omitting unnecessary details that can be confusing to beginners. Heteroskedasticity-robust (“sandwich”) standard errors are returned by default, and multiple partial F-tests and tests for contrasts are easy to specify. A single regression function (regress()
) can fit both linear models, generalized linear models, and proportional hazards models, allowing students to more easily make connections between different classes of models.
You can install the stable release of rigr
from CRAN as follows:
You can install the development version of rigr
from GitHub using the code below. The installment is through the R
package remotes
# run the following code to make sure that the remote package it installed
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {
# install the package
is maintained by the StatDivLab, but relies on community support to log issues and implement new features. Is there a method you would like to have implemented? Please submit a pull request or start a discussion!
Examples of how to use the main functions in rigr
are provided in three vignettes, available here. One details the regress
function and its utilities, one details the descrip
function for descriptive statistics, and the third details functions used for one- and two-sample inference, including ttest
, wilcoxon
, and proptest
Maintainer: Amy Willis
Authors: Scott S Emerson, Brian D Williamson, Charles Wolock, Taylor Okonek, Yiqun T Chen, Jim Hughes, Amy Willis, Andrew J Spieker and Travis Y Hee Wai.
If you encounter any bugs, please file an issue. Better yet, submit a pull request!
Do you have a question? Please first check out the vignettes, then please post on the Discussions.
Please note that the rigr project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](https://statdivlab.github.io/rigr/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html). By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.