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rigr: Regression, Inference, and General Data Analysis Tools in R
regression analysis
data analysis
robust standard errors
name orcid affiliation
Yiqun T. Chen
name orcid affiliation
Brian D. Williamson
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Taylor Okonek
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Charles J. Wolock
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Andrew J. Spieker
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Travis Y. Hee Wai
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James P. Hughes
name affiliation
Scott S. Emerson
name orcid corresponding affiliation
Amy D. Willis
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Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
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Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, Seattle, USA
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Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, USA
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VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, USA
20 September 2022


Regression models are an essential analytical tool in modern biomedical research, with applications ranging from disease outcomes prediction to vaccine efficacy estimation [@Bland1986-zk; @rothman2008modern]. While R provides a set of comprehensive tools for fitting regression models (e.g., lm, glm in base R [@stats-package]; coxph in the survival package [@survival-package]), existing routines require users to navigate multiple R packages with different conventions and syntaxes, creating barriers for both practitioners and learners.

To alleviate these barriers, we developed an R package called rigr that facilitates common data analyses in R, with an emphasis on straightforward, modern regression modeling. On a high level, rigr compiles output from existing routines together in an intuitive format, and adds functionality to existing functions. For example, users can fit linear models, generalized linear models, and proportional hazards models using a single function regress. They can also easily perform complex inference and obtain robust standard errors in this single package. We also provide functions for descriptive statistics and one- and two-sample inference with improved clarity of output.

Statement of need

R has become one of the leading languages used for statistical analyses in the biomedical sciences, with tens of thousands of available open-source packages that can perform statistical tasks ranging from simple z-tests to complex deep learning models. However, navigating regression analyses in R can be challenging, especially for biomedical researchers with limited programming experience. In particular, fitting commonly-used regression models (e.g., linear, logistic, Poisson, and proportional hazards regressions) requires different functions in R, each possessing a function-specific syntax. This creates an unnecessary burden and hinders learners from making conceptual connections between these related regression models. Barriers of entry are even higher for obtaining customized, "modern" inferential results. For instance, heteroskedasticity-robust (so-called “sandwich”) standard errors, which are robust to certain misspecified variance or covariance structures of outcome variables [@king2015robust; @Mansournia2021-cd], are not provided by default in the popular lm, glm, or coxph functions in R. Moreover, if researchers want to perform joint inference on a linear combination of regression coefficients, they need to manually extract robust standard errors and then call more specialized packages to perform the calculation. In summary, while combining existing packages in R can provide the necessary tools for both simple and advanced analyses, the process is laden with unnecessary complexity and details.

We designed the rigr package to lower the barriers to obtaining robust and interpretable regression results in R; to emphasise connections between commonly-used statistical models; and to facilitate the use of distribution-free inference tools for regression. A single regression function regress can fit linear models, frequently-used generalized linear models, and proportional hazards models, and the output of a regress call displays exponentiated coefficients and confidence intervals when appropriate. Together, this allows researchers to (i) make connections between different classes of models, and (ii) easily report estimated coefficients on an interpretable scale (e.g., odds ratio for logistic regressions and hazard ratio for proportional hazards regressions). Moreover, heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors are used in inference by default, and tests for linear contrasts and multiple partial F-tests (e.g., for testing the null hypothesis that multiple regression coefficients are equal to zero) are easy to specify. This means that rigr users can easily test multiple linear hypotheses (which includes ANOVA as a special case) with robust standard error estimates in a single function (lincom or anova), which presently requires pooling results from multiple packages in R (including stats [@stats-package], survival [@survival-package], sandwich [@sandwich-package] and car [@car-package]). Finally, the package also provides easy-to-use functions for descriptive statistics, and one- and two-sample inference with clearly formated outputs. When designing the outputs for functions in rigr, we deliberately include only key information on the inferential results while omitting additional details that might be confusing to newcomers to regression analyses.


regress: General Regression for an Arbitrary Functional

We first demonstrate the use of the regress function, which is a single function that can be used to fit linear, logistic, Poisson, and proportional hazards regressions depending on the specified fnctl argument.

In the following example, we use regress to fit a linear regression model of atrophy (a measure of loss of neurons estimated by the degree of ventricular enlargement relative to the predicted ventricular size; with 0 indicating no atrophy and 100 indicating the most severe degree of atrophy) on sex, weight, age, and race. We see that the robust standard error estimates are reported by default, as are the results of an F-test for the null hypothesis that there is no difference in mean atrophy messure across populations matched on sex, weight and age but who differ in their self-reported racial categories. The mri dataset represents a subset of the Cardiovascular Health Study dataset [@kuller2007white;@mri_dataset]. In order to preserve patient anonymity and facilitate its use in the classroom, the data were modified by adding random noise and rescaling some variables. Such modifications preserved the general relationships among the variables in the dataset.

# Loading library and dataset
# renaming category for display purposes
mri$race_display <- recode(mri$race,
 "Subject did not identify as White, Black or Asian" = "Others")
regress(fnctl = "mean", atrophy ~ sex + weight + age + race_display, data = mri)

# Residuals:
#     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
# -34.053  -8.469  -0.538   7.405  54.071

# Coefficients:
#                     Estimate  Naive SE  Robust SE    95%L      95%H
# [1] Intercept        -22.71     7.646     8.098       -38.61    -6.813
# [2] sexMale           5.441     0.9977    1.034        3.411     7.470
# [3] weight           0.01998   0.01672   0.01787     -0.01510   0.05505
# [4] age               0.7153   0.08478   0.09125       0.5361    0.8944
#     race_display
# [5]    Black         -2.387     2.109     2.055       -6.422     1.648
# [6]    Others        -3.135     3.885     4.148       -11.28     5.008
# [7]    White         -0.2016    1.822     1.790       -3.716     3.313
#                     F stat    df    Pr(>F)
# [1] Intercept        7.87     1     0.0052
# [2] sexMale          27.70    1     < 0.00005
# [3] weight           1.25     1     0.2639
# [4] age              61.45    1     < 0.00005
#     race_display     1.23     3     0.2992
# [5]    Black         1.35     1     0.2459
# [6]    Others        0.57     1     0.4500
# [7]    White         0.01     1     0.9104

# Residual standard error: 11.99 on 728 degrees of freedom
# Multiple R-squared:  0.1456,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.1385
# F-statistic: 18.17 on 6 and 728 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

The next set of code demonstrates how regress can be used to run other regression models.

# Logistic regression of atrophy on sex height, weight, race, and
# a degree-2 polynomial of ldl.
regress(fnctl = "odds", diabetes ~ height+weight*sex +
 polynomial(ldl, 2), data = mri)

# Fitting a proportional hazards regression (Cox regression).
regress(fnctl = "hazard", Surv(obstime, death)~age+race, data=mri)

In both cases, the outputs will include the exponentiated coefficients (i.e., coefficients on the odds ratio and hazard ratio scales, respectively) by default.

Testing linear hypotheses

We now demonstrate how to produce point estimates, interval estimates, and p-values for linear combinations of regression coefficients using rigr.

# Linear regression of LDL on age, stroke, and race (with robust SE by default)
ldl_reg <- regress ("mean", ldl~age+stroke, data = mri)

# Testing coefficient created by .5*age - stroke (the first 0 comes
# from excluding the intercept)
single_comb <- c(0, 0.5, -1)
lincom(ldl_reg, single_comb)

# H0: 0.5*age-1*stroke   =  0
# Ha: 0.5*age-1*stroke  !=  0
#      Estimate Std. Err.   95%L   95%H      T Pr(T > |t|)
# [1,]   -1.367     2.152 -5.593  2.859 -0.635       0.526

# Test multiple combinations:
# .5*age - stroke = 0 and Intercept + 60*age = 125 (two marginal tests)
multiple_comb <- matrix(c(0, 0.5, -1, 1, 60, 0), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)
lincom(ldl_reg, multiple_comb, null.hypoth = c(0, 125))

# H0: 0.5*age-1*stroke   =  0
# Ha: 0.5*age-1*stroke  !=  0
#      Estimate Std. Err.   95%L   95%H      T Pr(T > |t|)
# [1,]   -1.367     2.152 -5.593  2.859 -0.635       0.526

# H0: 1*(Intercept)+60*age   =  125
# Ha: 1*(Intercept)+60*age  !=  125
#      Estimate Std. Err.    95%L    95%H     T Pr(T > |t|)
# [1,]  126.989     3.568 119.984 133.994 0.557       0.577

# Test joint null hypothesis:
# H0: .5*age - stroke = 0 AND Intercept + 60*age = 125 (one joint test)
lincom(ldl_reg, multiple_comb, null.hypoth = c(0, 125), joint.test = TRUE)
#      Chi2 stat df p value
# [1,]    0.6911  2   0.708


The authors gratefully acknowledge contributions from Thomas Lumley, Terry M. Therneau and Solomon Lim, and support from colleagues in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Washington.
