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Entitas 0.36.0

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@sschmid sschmid released this 10 Jan 21:45
· 1154 commits to develop since this release


See and discuss changes in Milestone 0.36.0


Entitas will be type-safe and will add support for the planned DSL in future versions. This will be a big breaking change. This release contains a few breaking changes with the DSL and type-safety in mind to make the transition easier.

Note 2

The question came up whether to update or not. I didn't want to delay a release even more and later ship a giant version with too many big breaking changes. I wanted to split up the work into multiple versions. Early adopters can already play with the new features and APIs and give feedback. The planned DSL version will most likely make some of the necessary manual migration work obsolete. I suggest waiting with updating if you're in production.

Breaking changes

Please follow the Entitas upgrade guide


  • Removed pool.CreateSystem() (#233 #237)
  • Removed IEnsureComponents, IExcludeComponents, ISetPools, ISetPool, IReactiveSystem, IMultiReactiveSystem, IEntityCollectorSystem
  • Changed the ReactiveSystem to be an abstract class instead of IReactiveSystem. You need to override GetTrigger, Filter and Execute.
    This enables filtering entities based on component values (#234)
  • Renamed the term Pool to Context (#99 #250)
  • Renamed EntityCollector to Collector (#252 #253)
  • Renamed GroupEventType to GroupEvent and removed the prefix OnEntity
  • entity.ToString uses component.ToString(). Override ToString() in your components
    to get a nice description, e.g. Health(42) (#203 #196)


  • Removed OldPoolsGenerator
  • Fixed code generator line ending for header


  • Improved VisualDebugging performance by reusing StringBuilders
  • Added support for ICleanupSystem and ITearDownSystem
  • Changed SystemsMonitor.axisRounding to 1
  • Fix error when turning visual debugging on/off in Unity 5.4 or newer (#222)
  • Changed default blueprint creation location (#206 #248)


  • Simplified build pipeline