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Please see the offical site for more information and further documentation:
To get started, you can use the PHP demo application:

AVACloud API specification

This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.30.0
  • Package version: 1.30.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "dangl/avacloud": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: Dangl.Identity
$config = Dangl\AVACloud\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$apiInstance = new Dangl\AVACloud\Api\AslvConversionApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$aslv_file = "/path/to/file.txt"; // \SplFileObject | The input file
$remove_plain_text_long_texts = true; // bool | If set to true, plain text long texts will be removed from the output to reduce response sizes
$remove_html_long_texts = true; // bool | If set to true, html long texts will be removed from the output to reduce response sizes

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->aslvConversionConvertToAva($aslv_file, $remove_plain_text_long_texts, $remove_html_long_texts);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AslvConversionApi->aslvConversionConvertToAva: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AslvConversionApi aslvConversionConvertToAva POST /conversion/aslv/ava Converts Aslv files to Dangl.AVA projects
AslvConversionApi aslvConversionConvertToExcel POST /conversion/aslv/excel Converts Aslv files to Excel
AslvConversionApi aslvConversionConvertToGaeb POST /conversion/aslv/gaeb Converts Aslv files to GAEB files
AslvConversionApi aslvConversionConvertToOenorm POST /conversion/aslv/oenorm Converts Aslv files to Oenorm files
AvaConversionApi avaConversionConvertToAva POST /conversion/ava/ava Converts Dangl.AVA projects to Dangl.AVA. This is useful when you want to generate the calculated properties.
AvaConversionApi avaConversionConvertToExcel POST /conversion/ava/excel Converts Dangl.AVA projects to Excel
AvaConversionApi avaConversionConvertToGaeb POST /conversion/ava/gaeb Converts Dangl.AVA projects to GAEB
AvaConversionApi avaConversionConvertToOenorm POST /conversion/ava/oenorm Converts Dangl.AVA projects to Oenorm
AvaConversionApi avaConversionConvertToReb POST /conversion/ava/reb Converts Dangl.AVA projects to REB
AvaConversionApi avaConversionConvertToSia POST /conversion/ava/sia Converts Dangl.AVA projects to SIA 451
DanglIdentityApi danglIdentityLoginAndReturnToken POST /identity/token-login
DanglIdentityApi danglIdentityLoginWithCookie POST /identity/login
DanglIdentityApi danglIdentityRefreshToken POST /identity/token-refresh
DanglIdentityApi danglIdentityRegister POST /identity/register
DanglIdentityApi danglIdentityRequestPasswordReset POST /identity/password-forgotten
DanglIdentityApi danglIdentitySignOutWithSignInManager DELETE /identity/login
ExcelConversionApi excelConversionConvertToAva POST /conversion/excel/ava Converts Excel files to Dangl.AVA projects.
ExcelConversionApi excelConversionConvertToExcel POST /conversion/excel/excel Converts Excel files to Excel files. Used, for example, when elements were added in excel to generate or modify a project. The Excel file can then be shared containing the full project with all formattings, formulas and styles applied.
ExcelConversionApi excelConversionConvertToGaeb POST /conversion/excel/gaeb Converts Excel files to GAEB files.
ExcelConversionApi excelConversionConvertToOenorm POST /conversion/excel/oenorm Converts Excel files to Oenorm files.
GaebConversionApi gaebConversionConvertToAva POST /conversion/gaeb/ava Converts GAEB files to Dangl.AVA projects
GaebConversionApi gaebConversionConvertToExcel POST /conversion/gaeb/excel Converts GAEB files to Excel
GaebConversionApi gaebConversionConvertToGaeb POST /conversion/gaeb/gaeb Converts GAEB files to GAEB files. Used for example when transforming or repairing GAEB files.
GaebConversionApi gaebConversionConvertToOenorm POST /conversion/gaeb/oenorm Converts GAEB files to Oenorm files
OenormConversionApi oenormConversionConvertToAva POST /conversion/oenorm/ava Converts ÖNorm files to Dangl.AVA projects
OenormConversionApi oenormConversionConvertToExcel POST /conversion/oenorm/excel Converts ÖNorm files to Excel
OenormConversionApi oenormConversionConvertToGaeb POST /conversion/oenorm/gaeb Converts ÖNorm files to GAEB files.
OenormConversionApi oenormConversionConvertToOenorm POST /conversion/oenorm/oenorm Converts ÖNorm files to Oenorm files.
RebConversionApi rebConversionConvertToAva POST /conversion/reb/ava Converts REB files to Dangl.AVA projects
RebConversionApi rebConversionConvertToExcel POST /conversion/reb/excel Converts REB files to Excel
RebConversionApi rebConversionConvertToGaeb POST /conversion/reb/gaeb Converts REB files to GAEB files
RebConversionApi rebConversionConvertToOenorm POST /conversion/reb/oenorm Converts REB files to Oenorm
SiaConversionApi siaConversionConvertToAva POST /conversion/sia/ava Converts SIA 451 files to Dangl.AVA projects
SiaConversionApi siaConversionConvertToExcel POST /conversion/sia/excel Converts SIA 451 files to Excel
SiaConversionApi siaConversionConvertToGaeb POST /conversion/sia/gaeb Converts SIA 451 files to GAEB files
SiaConversionApi siaConversionConvertToOenorm POST /conversion/sia/oenorm Converts SIA 451 files to Oenorm files
StatusApi statusGetStatus GET /status Reports the health status of the AVACloud API
ValidationApi validationValidateFile POST /validation/file This endpoint validates AVA files, typically GAEB or ÖNorm. The type of file needs to be provided as a query parameter, since there is no auto detection of the uploaded file type.
ValidationApi validationValidateProject POST /validation/project This endpoint provides a full validation of a provided ProjectDto. It will take the given exchange phase into account and do some general project validation. Optionally, a conversion to a desired target can also be done, in which case the target file will also be validated.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization




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  • PHP 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%