Please see the offical site for more information and further documentation:
To get started, you can use the PHP demo application:
AVACloud API specification
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.52.1
- Package version: 1.52.1
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"dangl/avacloud": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: Dangl.Identity
$config = Dangl\AVACloud\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$apiInstance = new Dangl\AVACloud\Api\AslvConversionApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$aslv_file = "/path/to/file.txt"; // \SplFileObject | The input file
$remove_plain_text_long_texts = true; // bool | If set to true, plain text long texts will be removed from the output to reduce response sizes
$remove_html_long_texts = true; // bool | If set to true, html long texts will be removed from the output to reduce response sizes
try {
$result = $apiInstance->aslvConversionConvertToAva($aslv_file, $remove_plain_text_long_texts, $remove_html_long_texts);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AslvConversionApi->aslvConversionConvertToAva: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AslvConversionApi | aslvConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/aslv/ava | Converts Aslv files to Dangl.AVA projects |
AslvConversionApi | aslvConversionConvertToExcel | POST /conversion/aslv/excel | Converts Aslv files to Excel |
AslvConversionApi | aslvConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/aslv/flat-ava | Converts Aslv files to Dangl.AVA projects |
AslvConversionApi | aslvConversionConvertToGaeb | POST /conversion/aslv/gaeb | Converts Aslv files to GAEB files |
AslvConversionApi | aslvConversionConvertToOenorm | POST /conversion/aslv/oenorm | Converts Aslv files to Oenorm files |
AvaConversionApi | avaConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/ava/ava | Converts Dangl.AVA projects to Dangl.AVA. This is useful when you want to generate the calculated properties. |
AvaConversionApi | avaConversionConvertToDatanorm | POST /conversion/ava/datanorm | Converts Dangl.AVA projects to Datanorm |
AvaConversionApi | avaConversionConvertToExcel | POST /conversion/ava/excel | Converts Dangl.AVA projects to Excel |
AvaConversionApi | avaConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/ava/flat-ava | Converts Dangl.AVA projects to Dangl.AVA. This is useful when you want to generate the calculated properties. |
AvaConversionApi | avaConversionConvertToGaeb | POST /conversion/ava/gaeb | Converts Dangl.AVA projects to GAEB |
AvaConversionApi | avaConversionConvertToIdsConnect | POST /conversion/ava/ids-connect | Converts Dangl.AVA projects to IDS Connect files |
AvaConversionApi | avaConversionConvertToOenorm | POST /conversion/ava/oenorm | Converts Dangl.AVA projects to Oenorm |
AvaConversionApi | avaConversionConvertToReb | POST /conversion/ava/reb | Converts Dangl.AVA projects to REB |
AvaConversionApi | avaConversionConvertToSia | POST /conversion/ava/sia | Converts Dangl.AVA projects to SIA 451 |
AvaConversionApi | avaConversionConvertToUgl | POST /conversion/ava/ugl | Converts Dangl.AVA projects to UGL |
DanglIdentityApi | danglIdentityGetUserInfo | GET /identity/user-info | |
DanglIdentityApi | danglIdentityLoginAndReturnToken | POST /identity/token-login | |
DanglIdentityApi | danglIdentityLoginWithCookie | POST /identity/login | |
DanglIdentityApi | danglIdentityRefreshToken | POST /identity/token-refresh | |
DanglIdentityApi | danglIdentityRegister | POST /identity/register | |
DanglIdentityApi | danglIdentityRequestPasswordReset | POST /identity/password-forgotten | |
DanglIdentityApi | danglIdentitySignOutWithSignInManager | DELETE /identity/login | |
DatanormConversionApi | datanormConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/datanorm/ava | Converts Datanorm files to Dangl.AVA projects |
DatanormConversionApi | datanormConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/datanorm/flat-ava | Converts Datanorm files to Dangl.AVA projects |
ExcelConversionApi | excelConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/excel/ava | Converts Excel files to Dangl.AVA projects. |
ExcelConversionApi | excelConversionConvertToExcel | POST /conversion/excel/excel | Converts Excel files to Excel files. Used, for example, when elements were added in excel to generate or modify a project. The Excel file can then be shared containing the full project with all formattings, formulas and styles applied. |
ExcelConversionApi | excelConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/excel/flat-ava | Converts Excel files to Dangl.AVA projects. |
ExcelConversionApi | excelConversionConvertToGaeb | POST /conversion/excel/gaeb | Converts Excel files to GAEB files. |
ExcelConversionApi | excelConversionConvertToOenorm | POST /conversion/excel/oenorm | Converts Excel files to Oenorm files. |
FlatAvaConversionApi | flatAvaConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/flat-ava/ava | Converts flat Dangl.AVA projects to Dangl.AVA. This is useful when you want to generate the calculated properties. |
FlatAvaConversionApi | flatAvaConversionConvertToDatanorm | POST /conversion/flat-ava/datanorm | Converts flat Dangl.AVA projects to Datanorm |
FlatAvaConversionApi | flatAvaConversionConvertToExcel | POST /conversion/flat-ava/excel | Converts flat Dangl.AVA projects to Excel |
FlatAvaConversionApi | flatAvaConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/flat-ava/flat-ava | Converts flat Dangl.AVA projects to Dangl.AVA. This is useful when you want to generate the calculated properties. |
FlatAvaConversionApi | flatAvaConversionConvertToGaeb | POST /conversion/flat-ava/gaeb | Converts flat Dangl.AVA projects to GAEB |
FlatAvaConversionApi | flatAvaConversionConvertToIdsConnect | POST /conversion/flat-ava/ids-connect | Converts flat Dangl.AVA projects to IDS Connect files |
FlatAvaConversionApi | flatAvaConversionConvertToOenorm | POST /conversion/flat-ava/oenorm | Converts flat Dangl.AVA projects to Oenorm |
FlatAvaConversionApi | flatAvaConversionConvertToReb | POST /conversion/flat-ava/reb | Converts flat Dangl.AVA projects to REB |
FlatAvaConversionApi | flatAvaConversionConvertToSia | POST /conversion/flat-ava/sia | Converts flat Dangl.AVA projects to SIA 451 |
FlatAvaConversionApi | flatAvaConversionConvertToUgl | POST /conversion/flat-ava/ugl | Converts flat Dangl.AVA projects to UGL |
GaebConversionApi | gaebConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/gaeb/ava | Converts GAEB files to Dangl.AVA projects |
GaebConversionApi | gaebConversionConvertToExcel | POST /conversion/gaeb/excel | Converts GAEB files to Excel |
GaebConversionApi | gaebConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/gaeb/flat-ava | Converts GAEB files to Dangl.AVA projects |
GaebConversionApi | gaebConversionConvertToGaeb | POST /conversion/gaeb/gaeb | Converts GAEB files to GAEB files. Used for example when transforming or repairing GAEB files. |
GaebConversionApi | gaebConversionConvertToOenorm | POST /conversion/gaeb/oenorm | Converts GAEB files to Oenorm files |
IdsConnectConversionApi | idsConnectConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/ids-connect/ava | Converts IDS Connect files to Dangl.AVA projects |
IdsConnectConversionApi | idsConnectConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/ids-connect/flat-ava | Converts IDS Connect files to Dangl.AVA projects |
OenormConversionApi | oenormConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/oenorm/ava | Converts ÖNorm files to Dangl.AVA projects |
OenormConversionApi | oenormConversionConvertToExcel | POST /conversion/oenorm/excel | Converts ÖNorm files to Excel |
OenormConversionApi | oenormConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/oenorm/flat-ava | Converts ÖNorm files to Dangl.AVA projects |
OenormConversionApi | oenormConversionConvertToGaeb | POST /conversion/oenorm/gaeb | Converts ÖNorm files to GAEB files. |
OenormConversionApi | oenormConversionConvertToOenorm | POST /conversion/oenorm/oenorm | Converts ÖNorm files to Oenorm files. |
RebConversionApi | rebConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/reb/ava | Converts REB files to Dangl.AVA projects |
RebConversionApi | rebConversionConvertToExcel | POST /conversion/reb/excel | Converts REB files to Excel |
RebConversionApi | rebConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/reb/flat-ava | Converts REB files to Dangl.AVA projects |
RebConversionApi | rebConversionConvertToGaeb | POST /conversion/reb/gaeb | Converts REB files to GAEB files |
RebConversionApi | rebConversionConvertToOenorm | POST /conversion/reb/oenorm | Converts REB files to Oenorm |
SiaConversionApi | siaConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/sia/ava | Converts SIA 451 files to Dangl.AVA projects |
SiaConversionApi | siaConversionConvertToExcel | POST /conversion/sia/excel | Converts SIA 451 files to Excel |
SiaConversionApi | siaConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/sia/flat-ava | Converts SIA 451 files to Dangl.AVA projects |
SiaConversionApi | siaConversionConvertToGaeb | POST /conversion/sia/gaeb | Converts SIA 451 files to GAEB files |
SiaConversionApi | siaConversionConvertToOenorm | POST /conversion/sia/oenorm | Converts SIA 451 files to Oenorm files |
StatusApi | statusGetStatus | GET /status | Reports the health status of the AVACloud API |
UglConversionApi | uglConversionConvertToAva | POST /conversion/ugl/ava | Converts Ugl files to Dangl.AVA projects |
UglConversionApi | uglConversionConvertToFlatAva | POST /conversion/ugl/flat-ava | Converts Ugl files to Dangl.AVA projects |
ValidationApi | validationValidateFile | POST /validation/file | This endpoint validates AVA files, typically GAEB or ÖNorm. The type of file needs to be provided as a query parameter, since there is no auto detection of the uploaded file type. |
ValidationApi | validationValidateProject | POST /validation/project | This endpoint provides a full validation of a provided ProjectDto. It will take the given exchange phase into account and do some general project validation. Optionally, a conversion to a desired target can also be done, in which case the target file will also be validated. |
XRechnungConversionApi | xRechnungConversionConvertAvaToXRechnung | POST /conversion/xrechnung/ava-wrapper/xrechnung | This will convert an AVA wrapper object to an XRechnung file |
XRechnungConversionApi | xRechnungConversionConvertInvoiceToXRechnung | POST /conversion/xrechnung/invoice/xrechnung | This will convert an Invoice object to an XRechnung file |
XRechnungConversionApi | xRechnungConversionConvertXRechnungToAva | POST /conversion/xrechnung/ava-wrapper | This will read an XRechnung file and convert it to an AVA wrapper object |
XRechnungConversionApi | xRechnungConversionConvertXRechnungToInvoice | POST /conversion/xrechnung/invoice | This will read an XRechnung file and convert it to an Invoice object |
- AddendumStatusDto
- AdditionTypeDto
- ApiError
- ArticleDataDto
- AttachmentMimeType
- AvaProjectWrapper
- AwardTypeDto
- BankingInformationDto
- CalculationDto
- CatalogueDto
- CatalogueReferenceDto
- CatalogueTypeDto
- ClaimGet
- ComissionStatusDto
- CommerceInquiryTypeDto
- CommercePropertiesDto
- ComplementedByQuantityDto
- DatanormDestinationVersion
- DestinationGaebExchangePhase
- DestinationGaebType
- DestinationOenormType
- DestinationRebType
- DurationUnitDto
- ExchangePhaseDto
- ExecutionDescriptionDto
- FileValidationSourceType
- FlatAvaProject
- FlatElementDto
- ForgotPasswordPost
- GetStatus
- GrossPriceComponentDto
- HoldOutDurationUnitDto
- HoldOutTypeDto
- HttpStatusCode
- IElementDto
- IdsConnectVersion
- Invoice
- InvoiceAllowance
- InvoiceCharge
- InvoiceLineItem
- InvoiceNote
- InvoicePeriod
- InvoiceTotals
- InvoiceType
- ItemNumberDto
- ItemNumberSchemaDto
- ItemNumberSchemaTierDto
- ItemNumberSchemaTierTypeDto
- ItemNumberTypeDto
- LabourPriceComponentDto
- LineItemAllowance
- LineItemAttribute
- LineItemCharge
- LineItemInformation
- LineItemPriceDetail
- LineItemVatInformation
- LoginPost
- NoteTextDto
- ObjectValidationCheckDetails
- OenormNoteTextPropertiesDto
- OenormOriginCodeDto
- OenormPositionPropertiesDto
- OenormPropertiesDto
- Organization
- OriginDto
- PartyInformationDto
- Payee
- PaymentInstructions
- PaymentMeans
- PositionComplementingTypeDto
- PositionDto
- PositionHoldOutPropertiesDto
- PositionTypeDto
- PostAvaProjectValidationSourceOptions
- PostAvaSourceOptions
- PostGaebDestinationOptions
- PostOenormDestinationOptions
- PreviousInvoice
- PriceCatalogueDataDto
- PriceComponentDto
- PriceComponentTypeDto
- PriceInformationDto
- PriceRoundingModeDto
- PriceTypeDto
- ProductDataDto
- ProjectDto
- ProjectInformationDto
- ProjectValidationCheckDetails
- QuantityAssignmentDto
- References
- RegisterPost
- ResponseErrorType
- STLBKeyDto
- STLBReferenceDto
- ServiceSpecificationCommercePropertiesDto
- ServiceSpecificationDto
- ServiceSpecificationGroupDto
- ServiceTypeDto
- SiaDestinationType
- SourceType
- SpecialAwardKindDto
- StandardReferenceTypeDto
- StandardizedDescriptionDto
- SubDescriptionDto
- SupportingDocument
- TokenLoginPost
- TokenRefreshPost
- TokenResponseGet
- TradeDiscountDto
- UglDestinationVersion
- UserInfoGet
- ValidationCheckResult
- ValidationCheckType
- ValidationResult
- ValidationSeverity
- ValidationType
- VatBreakdown
- VatCategory
- WarrantyDurationDto
- XmlSchemaValidationCheckDetails
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- avacloud: Access to the AVACloud API