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Eric Jahn edited this page Jul 27, 2020 · 327 revisions

Table of Contents
Overall System Requirements
HMIS Requirements
HMIS Reporting Requirements
Coordinated Housing Entry System (CES) Requirements
General Human Services Requirements
HIPAA Compliance

HSLynk stores and shares out client and project data using the APIs. The Data Warehouse is a subproject of the overall HSLynk project, whereby the client and project data are published in a deidentified/obfuscated fashion, so client confidentiality is not compromised.

HMIS Requirements

2020 (June 2019 v1.3) HMIS Data Standards

2017(2017-v1.3) HMIS Data Standards

2016(v5) HMIS Data Standards

2015(v3) HMIS Data Standards

2014(v2) HMIS Data Standards

HMIS Reporting Requirements

Critical HUD Reports
APR Report
AHAR HIC and AHAR PIT Reports (new 2018 release in draft version now; expected release March 2018, due September 2018)
Other Reports
  1. Runaway and Homeless Youth - Performance Progress Report (RHYMIS PPR) Received 3/3/2015: "From a conversation this morning with Javier, communities are still waiting on the requirements from HUD/FYSB. RHYMIS reporting won't be done until October 2015. Family and Youth Services Bureau will start testing this summer and have the requirements and hopefully report ready for October." November 4, 2015 update. This is a CSV export format that uses hashing. Details are here.
  2. Bed Inventory Tracking see Google Requirements Doc on this topic
  3. System Performance Measures Report
  4. Length of Time Homeless Report - Suggested Report for Community Management
  5. HHS PATH Report
  6. [HUD HMIS Data Quality Report]

Coordinated Entry System (CES) Service Requirements

  • for customers that require it
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