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PyCharm Setup

Harald Schilly edited this page Dec 10, 2018 · 6 revisions
  1. PyCharm needs a lot of resources. You might have to apply 1 GB of memory (RAM) upgrades to your project.
  2. make sure the X11 panel is focused (click once) then continue by clicking OK to not import an existing configuration -- unless of course you have one, or there was an update after you've setup it in the past.
  3. Read and scroll down the terms of service/privacy policy/etc.
  4. Decide if you want to share usage information or not.
  5. Pick a color theme, the brighter "IntelliJ" works best because it fits with the overall bright theme of CoCalc itself. There, you can click the "Skip Remaining and Set Defaults" button.
  6. "Create new project" or open an existing directory.
    • select a path
    • expand the project interpreter: you can choose how to install packages, to use the global site-directory (warning: enabling it significantly prolongs project indexing. It's probably best to not enable it, but instead only install those python libs which you really need inside the virtual environment), etc.
  7. Now you should see the "Tips of the Day" dialog and it starts indexing the available Python packages. Grab a coffee, this may take a while …


  • File → Enable Power Safe Mode stops some background tasks to speed up working with PyCharm.
  • If "Indexing..." takes too long, click the gray-ish "Pause" button at the bottom in the status bar.
  1. To create a file, click on "Project", open the project's directory, and either user File → New... or right-click on it to open up the context menu and add a "Python File".
  2. In order to run the file, you finally have to create a run configuration. In the menu, click on Run → Run..., then to create a "Run configuration". Basically, we have to tell PyCharm to run that file when we click the green Play button.

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