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Ryan Wick edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 5 revisions

Bandage can load CSV files contain additional data to display on the graph. Thanks to Elmar Pruesse for this feature!

CSV format

The CSV file must have the following format:

  • Two or more columns, where the first column contains node names and the other columns contain data to display.
  • A header row containing labels for each column.

The node name column can accept node names in a few different formats. They can be the full node headers that Bandage uses when saving nodes to file (e.g. NODE_1+_length_6070_cov_43.3434) or simply the node name itself (e.g. 1+). If the node's directionality is not given (with a '+' or '-'), the positive node will be assumed. The header for the node name column can be anything (or empty) as it is not used.

Example CSV files

Here are two valid examples of node label CSV files which could be loaded by Bandage:

Node name,First base,Last base
Name,Double length,Half length

Loading CSV label data

To load a CSV file containing node labels, use the 'Load CSV label data' menu item in Bandage's 'File' menu.

Display on graph

To view the loaded labels, tick the 'CSV data' box in the 'Node labels' section of the main Bandage window. You can then use the drop down menu to choose which column of the CSV file to display.

CSV labels on graph


CSV files can also include colours, which will set the nodes' custom colours (see Colour schemes). This is done by using 'Colour' (or 'Color') as one of the CSV headers. You can use any of the X11 colour names or specify colours as hex codes. For example:

C,medium aquamarine