Custom popup control for Unity editor interfaces that defers popup menu construction until shown. This is good for situations where the popup is relatively expensive to construct.
$ yarn add rotorz/unity3d-custom-popup
This package is compatible with the unity3d-package-syncer tool. Refer to the tools' README for information on syncing packages into a Unity project.
Here is a basic example of implementing a custom popup control:
public static int SortingLayerPopup(Rect position, GUIContent label, int sortingLayerID)
string sortingLayerName = SortingLayer.IDToName(sortingLayerID);
using (var valueLabel = ControlContent.Basic(sortingLayerName)) {
return CustomPopupGUI.Popup(position, label, sortingLayerID, valueLabel, context => {
foreach (var layer in SortingLayer.layers) {
context.Popup.AddOption(, context,;
public static int SortingLayerPopup(GUIContent label, int sortingLayerID)
var position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.popup);
return SortingLayerPopup(position, label, sortingLayerID);
Which can then be used as follows:
this.sortingLayerID = SortingLayerPopup(new GUIContent("Sorting Layer", this.sortingLayerID));
A more verbose approach can be used when more control is required when adding options:
.Checked(() => == context.CurrentValue)
.Action(() => context.NotifySelection(;
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