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Implement functions to get publisher and subcription informations lik…
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…e QoS policies from topic name (#511)

Signed-off-by: Jaison Titus <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Miaofei <[email protected]>
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jaisontj authored and ivanpauno committed Jan 14, 2020
1 parent 024c3ee commit 2221d63
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Showing 5 changed files with 599 additions and 4 deletions.
125 changes: 123 additions & 2 deletions rcl/include/rcl/graph.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ extern "C"

#include <rmw/names_and_types.h>
#include <rmw/get_topic_names_and_types.h>
#include <rmw/topic_endpoint_info_array.h>

#include "rcutils/types.h"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -420,8 +421,8 @@ rcl_names_and_types_fini(rcl_names_and_types_t * names_and_types);
* \param[in] node the handle to the node being used to query the ROS graph
* \param[in] allocator used to control allocation and deallocation of names
* \param[out] node_names struct storing discovered node names.
* \param[out] node_namesspaces struct storing discovered node namespaces.
* \param[out] node_names struct storing discovered node names
* \param[out] node_namesspaces struct storing discovered node namespaces
* \return `RCL_RET_OK` if the query was successful, or
* \return `RCL_RET_ERROR` if an unspecified error occurs.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -524,6 +525,126 @@ rcl_count_subscribers(
const char * topic_name,
size_t * count);

/// Return a list of all publishers to a topic.
* The `node` parameter must point to a valid node.
* The `topic_name` parameter must not be `NULL`.
* When the `no_mangle` parameter is `true`, the provided `topic_name` should be a valid topic name
* for the middleware (useful when combining ROS with native middleware (e.g. DDS) apps).
* When the `no_mangle` parameter is `false`, the provided `topic_name` should follow
* ROS topic name conventions.
* In either case, the topic name should always be fully qualified.
* Each element in the `publishers_info` array will contain the node name, node namespace,
* topic type, gid and the qos profile of the publisher.
* It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that `publishers_info` parameter points
* to a valid struct of type rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_t.
* The `count` field inside the struct must be set to 0 and the `info_array` field inside
* the struct must be set to null.
* \see rmw_get_zero_initialized_topic_endpoint_info_array
* The `allocator` will be used to allocate memory to the `info_array` member
* inside of `publishers_info`.
* Moreover, every const char * member inside of
* rmw_topic_endpoint_info_t will be assigned a copied value on allocated memory.
* \see rmw_topic_endpoint_info_set_node_name and the likes.
* However, it is the responsibility of the caller to
* reclaim any allocated resources to `publishers_info` to avoid leaking memory.
* \see rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_fini
* <hr>
* Attribute | Adherence
* ------------------ | -------------
* Allocates Memory | Yes
* Thread-Safe | No
* Uses Atomics | No
* Lock-Free | Maybe [1]
* <i>[1] implementation may need to protect the data structure with a lock</i>
* \param[in] node the handle to the node being used to query the ROS graph
* \param[in] allocator allocator to be used when allocating space for
* the array inside publishers_info
* \param[in] topic_name the name of the topic in question
* \param[in] no_mangle if true, the topic_name will be expanded to its fully qualified name
* \param[out] publishers_info a struct representing a list of publisher information
* \return `RCL_RET_OK` if the query was successful, or
* \return `RCL_RET_NODE_INVALID` if the node is invalid, or
* \return `RCL_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT` if any arguments are invalid, or
* \return `RCL_RET_BAD_ALLOC` if memory allocation fails, or
* \return `RCL_RET_ERROR` if an unspecified error occurs.
const rcl_node_t * node,
rcutils_allocator_t * allocator,
const char * topic_name,
bool no_mangle,
rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_t * publishers_info);

/// Return a list of all subscriptions to a topic.
* The `node` parameter must point to a valid node.
* The `topic_name` parameter must not be `NULL`.
* When the `no_mangle` parameter is `true`, the provided `topic_name` should be a valid topic name
* for the middleware (useful when combining ROS with native middleware (e.g. DDS) apps).
* When the `no_mangle` parameter is `false`, the provided `topic_name` should follow
* ROS topic name conventions.
* In either case, the topic name should always be fully qualified.
* Each element in the `subscriptions_info` array will contain the node name, node namespace,
* topic type, gid and the qos profile of the subscription.
* It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that `subscriptions_info` parameter points
* to a valid struct of type rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_t.
* The `count` field inside the struct must be set to 0 and the `info_array` field inside
* the struct must be set to null.
* \see rmw_get_zero_initialized_topic_endpoint_info_array
* The `allocator` will be used to allocate memory to the `info_array` member
* inside of `subscriptions_info`.
* Moreover, every const char * member inside of
* rmw_topic_endpoint_info_t will be assigned a copied value on allocated memory.
* \see rmw_topic_endpoint_info_set_node_name and the likes.
* However, it is the responsibility of the caller to
* reclaim any allocated resources to `subscriptions_info` to avoid leaking memory.
* \see rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_fini
* <hr>
* Attribute | Adherence
* ------------------ | -------------
* Allocates Memory | Yes
* Thread-Safe | No
* Uses Atomics | No
* Lock-Free | Maybe [1]
* <i>[1] implementation may need to protect the data structure with a lock</i>
* \param[in] node the handle to the node being used to query the ROS graph
* \param[in] allocator allocator to be used when allocating space for
* the array inside publishers_info
* \param[in] topic_name the name of the topic in question
* \param[in] no_mangle if true, the topic_name will be expanded to its fully qualified name
* \param[out] subscriptions_info a struct representing a list of subscriptions information
* \return `RCL_RET_OK` if the query was successful, or
* \return `RCL_RET_NODE_INVALID` if the node is invalid, or
* \return `RCL_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT` if any arguments are invalid, or
* \return `RCL_RET_BAD_ALLOC` if memory allocation fails, or
* \return `RCL_RET_ERROR` if an unspecified error occurs.
const rcl_node_t * node,
rcutils_allocator_t * allocator,
const char * topic_name,
bool no_mangle,
rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_t * subscriptions_info);

/// Check if a service server is available for the given service client.
* This function will return true for `is_available` if there is a service server
Expand Down
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions rcl/src/rcl/graph.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,9 +25,11 @@ extern "C"
#include "rmw/error_handling.h"
#include "rmw/get_node_info_and_types.h"
#include "rmw/get_service_names_and_types.h"
#include "rmw/get_topic_endpoint_info.h"
#include "rmw/get_topic_names_and_types.h"
#include "rmw/names_and_types.h"
#include "rmw/rmw.h"
#include "rmw/topic_endpoint_info_array.h"
#include "rmw/validate_namespace.h"
#include "rmw/validate_node_name.h"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,6 +377,90 @@ rcl_count_subscribers(
return rcl_convert_rmw_ret_to_rcl_ret(rmw_ret);

typedef rmw_ret_t (* get_topic_endpoint_info_func_t)(
const rmw_node_t * node,
rcutils_allocator_t * allocator,
const char * topic_name,
bool no_mangle,
rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_t * info_array);

const rcl_node_t * node,
rcutils_allocator_t * allocator,
const char * topic_name,
bool no_mangle,
rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_t * info_array,
get_topic_endpoint_info_func_t get_topic_endpoint_info)
if (!rcl_node_is_valid(node)) {
return RCL_RET_NODE_INVALID; // error already set.
const rcl_node_options_t * node_options = rcl_node_get_options(node);
if (!node_options) {
return RCL_RET_NODE_INVALID; // shouldn't happen, but error is already set if so
RCL_CHECK_ALLOCATOR_WITH_MSG(allocator, "invalid allocator", return RCL_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
rmw_error_string_t error_string;
rmw_ret_t rmw_ret = rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_check_zero(info_array);
if (rmw_ret != RMW_RET_OK) {
error_string = rmw_get_error_string();
"rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_t must be zero initialized: %s,\n"
"Use rmw_get_zero_initialized_topic_endpoint_info_array",
return rcl_convert_rmw_ret_to_rcl_ret(rmw_ret);
rmw_ret = get_topic_endpoint_info(
if (rmw_ret != RMW_RET_OK) {
error_string = rmw_get_error_string();
return rcl_convert_rmw_ret_to_rcl_ret(rmw_ret);

const rcl_node_t * node,
rcutils_allocator_t * allocator,
const char * topic_name,
bool no_mangle,
rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_t * publishers_info)
return __rcl_get_info_by_topic(

const rcl_node_t * node,
rcutils_allocator_t * allocator,
const char * topic_name,
bool no_mangle,
rmw_topic_endpoint_info_array_t * subscriptions_info)
return __rcl_get_info_by_topic(

const rcl_node_t * node,
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions rcl/test/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,6 +101,21 @@ function(test_target_function)

# TODO(mm318): why rmw_connext tests run much slower than rmw_fastrtps and rmw_opensplice tests
if(rmw_implementation STREQUAL "rmw_connext_cpp")
message(STATUS "Increasing test_info_by_topic${target_suffix} test timeout.")
SRCS rcl/test_info_by_topic.cpp
ENV ${rmw_implementation_env_var}
APPEND_LIBRARY_DIRS ${extra_lib_dirs}
AMENT_DEPENDENCIES ${rmw_implementation} "osrf_testing_tools_cpp" "test_msgs"

SRCS rcl/test_count_matched.cpp
ENV ${rmw_implementation_env_var}
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions rcl/test/rcl/test_graph.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -916,8 +916,8 @@ class NodeGraphMultiNodeFixture : public CLASSNAME(TestGraphFixture, RMW_IMPLEME
* Verify the number of subsystems each node should have.
* @param node_state expected state of node
* @param remote_node_state expected state of remote node
* \param node_state expected state of node
* \param remote_node_state expected state of remote node
void VerifySubsystemCount(
const expected_node_state && node_state,
Expand Down

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