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A getting started hello world project for Unity with Robotlegs Sharp

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Unity Hello World Project

A quick start example project to be used as a reference when starting your own robotlegs-sharp project. For more in depth documentation check the docs within the main repository here.

Robotlegs-Sharp Code Reference


public class HelloWorld : MonoBehaviour
    IContext context;

    public void Start()
		// Creation of context, installing extensions and configuration of configs
        context = new Context ();
        context.Install<UnitySingleContextBundle> ()
            .Configure<HelloWorldConfig> ()
            .Configure (new TransformContextView (this.transform));

Read more about the context.


public class HelloWorldConfig : IConfig
	// In IConfig classes you can inject values based on rules from the injector

    [Inject] public IEventCommandMap eventCommandMap;
    [Inject] public IMediatorMap mediatorMap;
    [Inject] public IInjector injector;
    [Inject] public IContext context;

    public void Configure ()
		// The EventCommandMap links events to commands
        eventCommandMap.Map (ClickCountEvent.Type.INCREMENT).ToCommand<IncrementClickCounterCommand>();
        // Mediator map attaches Mediators to Views
		mediatorMap.Map<ButtonView> ().ToMediator<ButtonMediator> ();

		// Injector will supply a value to an interface or class when requested
        injector.Map<IClickCountModel> ().ToSingleton<ClickCountModel> ();

		// This will cause the StartApplication method to be 
        // called after all configurations and extensions have run
        context.AfterInitializing (StartApplication);

    private void StartApplication()
        // This is a good starting point for your application

Read more about the configs, injector and mapping commands.


public class ButtonView : EventView
    protected override void Start ()
		// Before Mediation

		//  This line is important when overriding, as it triggers the code that mediates your view
        base.Start ();
		// After Mediation

	public void HandleButtonClicked()
		// A local event dispatcher, which passes events to the mediator
        dispatcher.Dispatch(new ClickCountEvent(ClickCountEvent.Type.INCREMENT));

Read more about unity specific views.


public class CountUpdatedEvent : Event
	// Enums are used to describe the event
    // The type is also used as a key in mapping
    public enum Type

	// Payload data can be passed with events
    public int Count { get; protected set; }

	// All Events take a enum type
    public CountUpdatedEvent (CountUpdatedEvent.Type type, int count) : base(type)
        Count = count;

Read more about events.


// Mediators are always attached to views
	public class ButtonMediator : Mediator
		// The view instance can optionally be injected into the mediator
		[Inject] public ButtonView view;

		public override void Initialize ()
			// Adds a callback for when the view dispatches a ClickCountEvent of type INCREMENT
			AddViewListener<ClickCountEvent>(ClickCountEvent.Type.INCREMENT, Dispatch);
			 * You can alternatively pass the event to the global event dispatcher this way:
			 * AddViewListener (ClickCountEvent.Type.INCREMENT, Dispatch);

			 * To handle events from the global event dispatcher (and potentially notifying the view)
			 * use AddContextListener passing a callback
			 * AddContextListener<CountUpdatedEvent>(CountUpdatedEvent.Type.VALUE_CHANGED, HandleCountUpdatedEvent);

		private void HandleClickCountEvent(ClickCountEvent evt)
			// Passes the event to the global event dispatcher triggering anything mapped to the event

Read more about mediators.


// Commands are small snippets of code that 'do things' in your application
public class IncrementClickCounterCommand : ICommand
    // In IConfig classes you can inject values based on rules from the injector
    [Inject] public ILogger logger;
    [Inject] public IEventDispatcher dispatcher;
    [Inject] public IClickCountModel model;

    // You can also inject the event that triggered the command to pass a payload
    [Inject] public ClickCountEvent evt;

    public void Execute ()
        // Entry point into the command

        // Logger outputs to console
        logger.Info ("Command Incrementing Count");

        // We access the model from the injected value
        model.IncrementCount ();

        // Sends off an event to the global event dispatcher with a payload
        // This event can then trigger other commands and be heard from mediators
        dispatcher.Dispatch(new CountUpdatedEvent(CountUpdatedEvent.Type.VALUE_CHANGED, model.Count));

        // After execute is finished commands are disposed

Read more about commands.


// Models store data and are peristant througout the application
public class ClickCountModel : IClickCountModel
    // These methods and the getter are exposed through the interface
    public int Count { get; private set; }

    public void IncrementCount ()


A getting started hello world project for Unity with Robotlegs Sharp






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