The injector is a core part of the Robotlegs framework. It is simply used to provide dependant objects at runtime.
It is useful when you want to give access something to an class, but have the ability to swap out that object at a later date in future projects.
In order to have things that are injectable, you need to set up some rules for the injector to follow in order to provide you with values. There are a few ways to set up your injectable values.
Car thisCar = new Fiat(Color.GREEN, Engine.CC_476, Transmission.MANUAL);
Car myCar = new Car();
The injector will scan your class for properties and fields with the [Inject]
By default, anything with [Inject]
must be mapped with a rule before being satisfied. If not,the injector will not know what to provide and it will throw an error.
If the optional attribute is applied [Inject(true)]
, the Injector will not error if it cannot find a mapping and will leave the value as null.
The property also has to be public or else the injector won't provide you the value.
These injectable values will not be available to you the constructor. If you need to know when they are avalible, create a [PostConstruct]
tag on a method. This method will be called by the injector after values have has been provided.
If you can, use the framework after injection methods [here](#Framework classes that are injected into)
An example class with the inject tag, named inject tag, optional inject tag and PostConstructMethod.
public class TestClass
public IValue injectedValue;
public IValue namedValue;
public INotRequiredValue optionalValue;
public IValue nonInjectedValue;
public TestClass()
// Values not injected yet...
public void AfterInjection()
Console.WriteLine("Value: " + injectedValue);
Console.WriteLine("Named Value: " + namedValue);
Console.WriteLine("Optional Value: " + optionalValue);
If you still would like the values to be given to you in the constructor. You can pass in interfaces into the constructor. By default SwiftSuspenders injector will try to inject the largest constructor. If you have multiple constructors. Adding an Inject
tag will make the injector use that constructor.
public class TestClass
public TestClass(IValue injectedValue)
Console.WriteLine("Value: " + injectedValue);
Of course, constructor injection will not work if you mapped to value:
As the injector would not have created the instance.
If you have the injector. You can also get your values from it. You most likely will use this when creating an extension as you will given an injector via the context.
Car car = injector.GetInstance<Car>();
And to get a value with a key:
Car myCar = injector.GetInstance<Car>(Keys.MINE);
Throughout the application the following classes are injected into.
- IConfigs - Injected just before Configure method
- Mediators - Injected just before the Initialize method
- Commands - Injected just before the Execute method
- Models and Services - Injected into only if mapping rule has been set with the injector. To have access to injected properties at the earliest avaliable point, please use the [PostConstruct] tag
- Hooks - Injected just before the Hook method
- Guards - Injected just before the Approve method
- ViewProcess - Injected into just before the Process method.
If you want to inject anything outside of this framework. You can use the following:
TestClass testClass = new TestClass();
You could also get the injector to instantiate the class for you which would allow for constructor injection:
TestClass testClass = injector.InstantiateUnmapped<TestClass>();