ROS Driver for e-puck robot. It is based on the pyePuck library.
This driver is maintained by the Verlab Laboratory at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
Python Bluetooth or Pybluez
Python Image Library (PIL)
$ sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev python-setuptools python-imaging python-bluez
E-puck robots must run the webots firmware (resources/firmware/webots-firmware-1.4.4.hex).
Run the epuck driver with the e-puck's MAC address (eg. 10:00:E8:6C:D7:E8)
$ roslaunch epuck_driver epuck_controller.launch epuck_address:='MAC'
Test teleoperating with the keyboard (the package ros-indigo-turtlebot-teleop must be installed)
$ roslaunch epuck_driver epuck_teleop.launch
To find the nearby bluetooth devices and get their MAC address:
$ hcitool scan
To automatically set the bluetooth password when you start the epuck_controller.launch (the XXXX is the password, eg. 1515)
$ bluetooth-agent XXX &
You can also edit or create a file in /var/lib/bluetooth/XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX/pincodes (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is your bluetooth MAC address) and add:
<MAC address epuck> <PASSWORD>
And restart the bluetooth service:
$ sudo service bluetooth restart