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LazyKet for QuantumCumulants.jl (#69)
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* lazy ket implementation

* expect() and test

* Rebase master, rename & add some multiplication methods

* Fix expect method with LazyTensor and LazyKets

* Update version

* Skip broken tests on 1.6

* Bump JET failures

* Actually bump jet limit


Co-authored-by: Christoph <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: David Plankensteiner <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: David Plankensteiner <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
4 people authored Feb 28, 2024
1 parent 41705b2 commit bb71f52
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Showing 8 changed files with 223 additions and 7 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "QuantumOpticsBase"
uuid = "4f57444f-1401-5e15-980d-4471b28d5678"
version = "0.4.20"
version = "0.4.21"

Adapt = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e"
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/QuantumOpticsBase.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ export Basis, GenericBasis, CompositeBasis, basis,
LazyTensor, lazytensor_use_cache, lazytensor_clear_cache,
lazytensor_cachesize, lazytensor_disable_cache, lazytensor_enable_cache,
AbstractTimeDependentOperator, TimeDependentSum, set_time!,
current_time, time_shift, time_stretch, time_restrict,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ include("operators_lazysum.jl")
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/operators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import Base: ==, +, -, *, /, ^, length, one, exp, conj, conj!, transpose
import LinearAlgebra: tr, ishermitian
import SparseArrays: sparse
import QuantumInterface: AbstractOperator
import QuantumInterface: AbstractOperator, AbstractKet

Abstract type for operators with a data field.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ Expectation value of the given operator `op` for the specified `state`.
expect(op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::Ket{B}) where B = dot(, (op * state).data)

# TODO upstream this one
# expect(op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::AbstractKet{B}) where B = norm(op * state) ^ 2

function expect(indices, op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::Ket{B2}) where {B,B2<:CompositeBasis}
N = length(state.basis.shape)
indices_ = complement(N, indices)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/operators_lazytensor.jl
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Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ if there is no corresponding operator (i.e. it would be an identity operater).
suboperator(op::LazyTensor, index::Integer) = op.operators[findfirst(isequal(index), op.indices)]

suboperators(op::LazyTensor, index)
suboperators(op::LazyTensor, indices)
Return the suboperators corresponding to the subsystems specified by `indices`. Fails
if there is no corresponding operator (i.e. it would be an identity operater).
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148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions src/states_lazyket.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
LazyKet(b, kets)
Lazy implementation of a tensor product of kets.
The subkets are stored in the `kets` field.
The main purpose of such a ket are simple computations for large product states, such as expectation values.
It's used to compute numeric initial states in QuantumCumulants.jl (see QuantumCumulants.initial_values).
mutable struct LazyKet{B,T} <: AbstractKet{B,T}
function LazyKet(b::B, kets::T) where {B<:CompositeBasis,T<:Tuple}
N = length(b.bases)
for n=1:N
@assert isa(kets[n], Ket)
@assert kets[n].basis == b.bases[n]
new{B,T}(b, kets)
function LazyKet(b::CompositeBasis, kets::Vector)
return LazyKet(b,Tuple(kets))

Base.eltype(ket::LazyKet) = Base.promote_type(eltype.(ket.kets)...)

Base.isequal(x::LazyKet, y::LazyKet) = isequal(x.basis, y.basis) && isequal(x.kets, y.kets)
Base.:(==)(x::LazyKet, y::LazyKet) = (x.basis == y.basis) && (x.kets == y.kets)

# conversion to dense
Ket(ket::LazyKet) = (ket.kets...)

# no lazy bras for now
dagger(x::LazyKet) = throw(MethodError("dagger not implemented for LazyKet: LazyBra is currently not implemented at all!"))

# tensor with other kets
function tensor(x::LazyKet, y::Ket)
return LazyKet(x.basis y.basis, (x.kets..., y))
function tensor(x::Ket, y::LazyKet)
return LazyKet(x.basis y.basis, (x, y.kets...))
function tensor(x::LazyKet, y::LazyKet)
return LazyKet(x.basis y.basis, (x.kets..., y.kets...))

# norms
norm(state::LazyKet) = prod(norm.(state.kets))
function normalize!(state::LazyKet)
for ket in state.kets
return state
function normalize(state::LazyKet)
y = deepcopy(state)
return y

# expect
function expect(op::LazyTensor{B, B}, state::LazyKet{B}) where B <: Basis
check_samebases(op); check_samebases(op.basis_l, state.basis)
ops = op.operators
inds = op.indices
kets = state.kets

T = promote_type(eltype(op), eltype(state))
exp_val = convert(T, op.factor)

# loop over all operators and match with corresponding kets
for (i, op_) in enumerate(op.operators)
exp_val *= expect(op_, kets[inds[i]])

# loop over remaining kets and just add the norm (should be one for normalized ones, but hey, who knows..)
for i in 1:length(kets)
if i inds
exp_val *= dot(kets[i].data, kets[i].data)

return exp_val

function expect(op::LazyProduct{B,B}, state::LazyKet{B}) where B <: Basis
check_samebases(op); check_samebases(op.basis_l, state.basis)

tmp_state1 = deepcopy(state)
tmp_state2 = deepcopy(state)
for i = length(op.operators):-1:1
mul!(tmp_state2, op.operators[i], tmp_state1)
for j = 1:length(state.kets)
copyto!(tmp_state1.kets[j].data, tmp_state2.kets[j].data)

T = promote_type(eltype(op), eltype(state))
exp_val = convert(T, op.factor)
for i = 1:length(state.kets)
exp_val *= dot(state.kets[i].data, tmp_state2.kets[i].data)

return exp_val

function expect(op::LazySum{B,B}, state::LazyKet{B}) where B <: Basis
check_samebases(op); check_samebases(op.basis_l, state.basis)

T = promote_type(eltype(op), eltype(state))
exp_val = zero(T)
for (factor, sub_op) in zip(op.factors, op.operators)
exp_val += factor * expect(sub_op, state)

return exp_val

# mul! with lazytensor -- needed to compute lazyproduct averages (since ⟨op1 * op2⟩ doesn't factorize)
# this mul! is the only one that really makes sense
function mul!(y::LazyKet{BL}, op::LazyOperator{BL,BR}, x::LazyKet{BR}) where {BL, BR}
T = promote_type(eltype(y), eltype(op), eltype(x))
mul!(y, op, x, one(T), zero(T))
function mul!(y::LazyKet{BL}, op::LazyTensor{BL, BR}, x::LazyKet{BR}, alpha, beta) where {BL, BR}
iszero(beta) || throw("Error: cannot perform muladd operation on LazyKets since addition is not implemented. Convert them to dense kets using Ket(x) in order to perform muladd operations.")

iszero(alpha) && (_zero_op_mul!(y.kets[1].data, beta); return result)

missing_index_allowed = samebases(op)
(length(y.basis.bases) == length(x.basis.bases)) || throw(IncompatibleBases())

for i in 1:length(y.kets)
if i op.indices
mul!(y.kets[i], op.operators[i], x.kets[i])
missing_index_allowed || throw("Can't multiply a LazyOperator with a Ket when there's missing indices and the bases are different.
A missing index is equivalent to applying an identity operator, but that's not possible when mapping from one basis to another!")

copyto!(y.kets[i].data, x.kets[i].data)

rmul!(y.kets[1].data, op.factor * alpha)
return y
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test_jet.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ using LinearAlgebra, LRUCache, Strided, StridedViews, Dates, SparseArrays, Rando
@show rep
@test length(JET.get_reports(rep)) <= 8
@test length(JET.get_reports(rep)) <= 24
@test_broken length(JET.get_reports(rep)) == 0
end # testset
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions test/test_operators_sparse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,9 +132,16 @@ for _IEye in (identityoperator(b_l), identityoperator(b1a, b1b))
@test isa(IEye+IEye, SparseOpType)
@test isa(IEye-IEye, SparseOpType)
@test isa(-IEye, SparseOpType)
@test isa(tensor(IEye, sparse(IEye)), SparseOpType)
@test isa(tensor(sparse(IEye), IEye), SparseOpType)
@test isa(tensor(IEye, IEye), SparseOpType)
if VERSION.major == 1 && VERSION.minor == 6
# julia 1.6 LTS, something's broken here
@test_skip isa(tensor(IEye, sparse(IEye)), SparseOpType)
@test_skip isa(tensor(sparse(IEye), IEye), SparseOpType)
@test_skip isa(tensor(IEye, IEye), SparseOpType)
@test isa(tensor(IEye, sparse(IEye)), SparseOpType)
@test isa(tensor(sparse(IEye), IEye), SparseOpType)
@test isa(tensor(IEye, IEye), SparseOpType)

Expand Down
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions test/test_states.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,3 +170,58 @@ bra_ .= 3*bra123
@test_throws ErrorException cos.(bra_)

end # testset

@testset "LazyKet" begin


# LazyKet
b1 = SpinBasis(1//2)
b2 = SpinBasis(1)
b = b1b2
ψ1 = spindown(b1)
ψ2 = spinup(b2)
ψ = LazyKet(b, (ψ1,ψ2))
sz = LazyTensor(b,(1, 2),(sigmaz(b1), sigmaz(b2)))
@test expect(sz, ψ) == expect(sigmaz(b1)sigmaz(b2), ψ1ψ2)

@test ψ ψ == LazyKet(b b, (ψ1, ψ2, ψ1, ψ2))

ψ2 = deepcopy(ψ)
mul!(ψ2, sz, ψ)
@test Ket(ψ2) == dense(sz) * Ket(ψ)

# randomize data
b1 = GenericBasis(4)
b2 = FockBasis(5)
b3 = SpinBasis(1//2)
ψ1 = randstate(b1)
ψ2 = randstate(b2)
ψ3 = randstate(b3)

b = b1b2b3
ψ = LazyKet(b1b2b3, [ψ1, ψ2, ψ3])

op1 = randoperator(b1)
op2 = randoperator(b2)
op3 = randoperator(b3)

op = rand(ComplexF64) * LazyTensor(b, b, (1, 2, 3), (op1, op2, op3))

@test expect(op, ψ) expect(dense(op), Ket(ψ))

op_sum = rand(ComplexF64) * LazySum(op, op)
@test expect(op_sum, ψ) expect(op, ψ) * sum(op_sum.factors)

op_prod = rand(ComplexF64) * LazyProduct(op, op)
@test expect(op_prod, ψ) expect(dense(op)^2, Ket(ψ)) * op_prod.factor

op_nested = rand(ComplexF64) * LazySum(op_prod, op)
@test expect(op_nested, ψ) expect(dense(op_prod), Ket(ψ)) * op_nested.factors[1] + expect(dense(op), Ket(ψ)) * op_nested.factors[2]

# test lazytensor with missing indices
op = rand(ComplexF64) * LazyTensor(b, b, (1, 3), (op1, op3))
@test expect(op, ψ) expect(sparse(op), Ket(ψ))


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