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Refactor names once again, add BigInt support
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aryavorskiy committed Apr 15, 2024
1 parent fd3f1cd commit 7a28e0e
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Showing 2 changed files with 38 additions and 55 deletions.
75 changes: 33 additions & 42 deletions src/manybody.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ function state_index(sv::SortedVector{T}, occ::T) where {T}
ret == length(sv) + 1 && return nothing
return sv.sortedvector[ret] == occ ? ret : nothing
state_index(occupations::AbstractVector{T}, state::T) where {T} = findfirst(==(state), occupations)
state_index(occupations::AbstractVector{T}, state::Base.RefValue{T}) where {T} = state_index(occupations, state[])
state_index(occupations::AbstractVector{T}, state::Any) where {T} = state_index(occupations, convert(T, state))
state_index(occupations::AbstractVector{T}, occ::T) where {T} = findfirst(==(occ), occupations)
state_index(occupations::AbstractVector{T}, occ::Base.RefValue{T}) where {T} = state_index(occupations, occ[])
state_index(occupations::AbstractVector{T}, occ::Any) where {T} = state_index(occupations, convert(T, occ))

ManyBodyBasis(b, occupations)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,16 +145,16 @@ number(mb::ManyBodyBasis) = number(ComplexF64, mb)
Operator ``|\\mathrm{to}⟩⟨\\mathrm{from}|`` transferring particles between modes.
Note that `to` and `from` can be collections of indices. The resulting operator in this case
will be equal to ``a^\\dagger_{to_1} a^\\dagger_{to_2} \\ldots a_{from_2} a_{from_1}``.
will be equal to ``\\ldots a^\\dagger_{to_2} a^\\dagger_{to_1} \\ldots a_{from_2} a_{from_1}``.
function transition(::Type{T}, mb::ManyBodyBasis, to, from) where {T}
Is = Int[]
Js = Int[]
Vs = T[]
buffer = allocate_buffer(mb)
# <{m}_j| at_to a_from |{m}_i>
for (i, occ_i) in enumerate(mb.occupations)
C = state_transition!(buffer, occ_i, to, from)
for (i, occ) in enumerate(mb.occupations)
C = state_transition!(buffer, occ, to, from)
C === nothing && continue
j = state_index(mb.occupations, buffer)
j === nothing && continue
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,52 +402,43 @@ Base.@propagate_inbounds function state_transition!(buffer, occ::OccupationNumbe

FermionBitstring(bits, n)
Fermionic occupation state represented as a bitstring. The bitstring `bits` is represented
as an unsigned integer with the `n` least significant bits representing the occupation
state. The bitstring is assumed to be in the canonical form where the bits are ordered
from left to right with the most significant bit being the first mode.
Bitstring representation of a fermionic occupation state.
FermionBitstring(bits, n)
Create a `FermionBitstring` from an unsigned integer `bits` with the `n` least significant
bits representing the occupation state. All remaining bits are set to zero.
struct FermionBitstring{T<:Unsigned}
struct FermionBitstring{T}
function FermionBitstring{T}(bits, n) where T<:Unsigned
n > sizeof(T) * 8 && throw(ArgumentError("n must be less than $(sizeof(T) * 8)"))
new{T}(bits, n)
function FermionBitstring(bits::T, n::Int) where T<:Unsigned
n > sizeof(T) * 8 && throw(ArgumentError("n must be less than $(sizeof(T) * 8)"))
nrest = sizeof(bits) * 8 - n
FermionBitstring{T}(UInt((bits << nrest) >>> nrest), n)
function FermionBitstring{T}(bits, n::Integer) where {T}
T<:Unsigned && n > sizeof(T) * 8 &&
throw(ArgumentError("n must be less than $(sizeof(T) * 8)"))
mask = T(1) << n - 1
new{T}(bits & mask, Int(n))
FermionBitstring(bits::Integer, n::Int) = FermionBitstring(unsigned(bits), n)
function FermionBitstring(bits::T, n::Integer) where T
FermionBitstring{T}(bits, n)
end = FermionBitstring(zero(fb.bits), fb.n)
Base.length(fb::FermionBitstring) = fb.n
Base.similar(::Type{FermionBitstring{T}}, n::Int) where {T} = FermionBitstring(zero(T), n)
function Base.similar(::Type{FermionBitstring}, n::Int)
for type in (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128)
n sizeof(type) * 8 && return FermionBitstring(zero(type), n)
throw(ArgumentError("n must be less than 128; got $n"))
function Base.convert(::Type{FermionBitstring{T}}, v::AbstractVector) where {T}
n = length(v)
n > sizeof(T) * 8 && throw(ArgumentError("n must be less than $(sizeof(T) * 8)"))
bits = zero(T)
for i in 1:n
v[i] in (0, 1) || throw(ArgumentError("Occupations must be 0 or 1"))
v[i] == 1 && (bits |= one(T) << (n - i))
function Base.convert(::Type{T}, v::AbstractVector) where {T<:FermionBitstring}
new_v = similar(T, length(v))
for i in 1:length(new_v)
new_v = Base.setindex(new_v, Bool(v[i]), i)
FermionBitstring{T}(bits, n)
return new_v
Base.copy(fb::FermionBitstring) = fb
allocate_buffer(fb::FermionBitstring) = Ref(fb)
Expand All @@ -462,27 +453,23 @@ Base.@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(fb::FermionBitstring, i::Int)
@boundscheck i in 1:fb.n || throw(BoundsError(fb, i))
Bool((fb.bits >>> (fb.n - i)) & 1)
Base.@propagate_inbounds function write_bit(fb::FermionBitstring, i::Int, value::Bool)
Base.@propagate_inbounds function Base.setindex(fb::FermionBitstring, value::Bool, i::Int)
@boundscheck i in 1:fb.n || throw(BoundsError(fb, i))
offset = fb.n - i
value ? FermionBitstring(fb.bits | (one(fb.bits) << offset), fb.n) :
FermionBitstring(fb.bits & ~(one(fb.bits) << offset), fb.n)
Base.@propagate_inbounds function write_bit(v::AbstractVector, i::Int, value::Bool)
setindex!(v, value, i)
return v
Base.@propagate_inbounds function state_transition!(buffer, occ::FermionBitstring, at_indices, a_indices)
factor = 1
for i in a_indices
occ[i] || return nothing
occ = write_bit(occ, i, false)
occ = setocc(occ, i, false)
ncomm = count_ones(occ.bits >>> (occ.n - i + 1))
isodd(ncomm) && (factor *= -1)
for i in at_indices
occ[i] && return nothing
occ = write_bit(occ, i, true)
occ = setocc(occ, i, true)
ncomm = count_ones(occ.bits >>> (occ.n - i + 1))
isodd(ncomm) && (factor *= -1)
Expand All @@ -502,7 +489,11 @@ function _distribute_bosons(Nparticles, Nmodes, index, occupations, results)
return results

Base.@propagate_inbounds setocc(fb::FermionBitstring, i::Int, value::Bool) = Base.setindex(fb, value, i)
Base.@propagate_inbounds function setocc(v::AbstractVector, i::Int, value::Bool)
setindex!(v, value, i)
return v
function _distribute_fermions(Nparticles, Nmodes, index, occupations, results)
if (Nmodes - index) + 1 < Nparticles
return results
Expand All @@ -512,9 +503,9 @@ function _distribute_fermions(Nparticles, Nmodes, index, occupations, results)
return results
for new_index in index:Nmodes - Nparticles + 1
occupations = write_bit(occupations, new_index, true)
occupations = setocc(occupations, new_index, true)
_distribute_fermions(Nparticles - 1, Nmodes, new_index + 1, occupations, results)
occupations = write_bit(occupations, new_index, false)
occupations = setocc(occupations, new_index, false)
return results
18 changes: 5 additions & 13 deletions test/test_manybody.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,19 +34,11 @@ b = GenericBasis(Nmodes)
@test ManyBodyBasis(b, bosonstates(b, 1)) == ManyBodyBasis(b, fermionstates(b, 1))
@test ManyBodyBasis(b, bosonstates(b, 2)) != ManyBodyBasis(b, fermionstates(b, 2))

function _vec2fb(occ::AbstractVector{Int})
n = length(occ)
n > sizeof(UInt) * 8 && throw(ArgumentError("n must be less than $(sizeof(UInt) * 8)"))
bits = UInt(0)
for i in 1:n
if occ[i] != 0 && occ[i] != 1
throw(ArgumentError("Occupations must be 0 or 1"))
occ[i] == 1 && (bits |= UInt(1) << (n - i))
FermionBitstring(bits, n)
@test collect(fermionstates(FermionBitstring, b, 3)) == _vec2fb.(fermionstates(b, 3))
@test collect(fermionstates(FermionBitstring, b, 3)) ==
convert.(FermionBitstring, fermionstates(b, 3))
b2 = GenericBasis(130)
@test collect(fermionstates(FermionBitstring{BigInt}, b2, 2)) ==
convert.(FermionBitstring{BigInt}, fermionstates(b2, 2))

# Test basisstate
b_mb = ManyBodyBasis(b, bosonstates(b, 2))
Expand Down

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