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Refactor parameter names
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aryavorskiy committed Apr 14, 2024
1 parent e7d30fc commit fd3f1cd
Showing 1 changed file with 81 additions and 82 deletions.
163 changes: 81 additions & 82 deletions src/manybody.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
struct SortedVector{T, OT} <: AbstractVector{T}
function SortedVector(occ::AbstractVector{T}, ord::OT=Base.Order.Forward) where {T, OT}
if issorted(occ, order=ord)
new{T, OT}(occ, ord)
function SortedVector(occ::AbstractVector{T}, order::OT=Base.Order.Forward) where {T, OT}
if issorted(occ, order=order)
new{T, OT}(occ, order)
new{T, OT}(sort(occ, order=ord), ord)
new{T, OT}(sort(occ, order=order), order)
Expand All @@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ Base.@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(sv::SortedVector, i::Int)
return sv.sortedvector[i]
Base.union(sv1::SortedVector{T}, svs::SortedVector{T}...) where {T} =
SortedVector(union(sv1.sortedvector, (occ.sortedvector for occ in svs)...))
SortedVector(union(sv1.sortedvector, (occ.sortedvector for occ in svs)...), sv1.order)

# Special methods for fast operator construction
function state_index(sv::SortedVector{T}, state::T) where {T}
ret = searchsortedfirst(sv.sortedvector, state, order = sv.ord)
function state_index(sv::SortedVector{T}, occ::T) where {T}
ret = searchsortedfirst(sv.sortedvector, occ, order = sv.order)
ret == length(sv) + 1 && return nothing
return sv.sortedvector[ret] == state ? ret : nothing
return sv.sortedvector[ret] == occ ? ret : nothing
state_index(sv::AbstractVector{T}, state::T) where {T} = findfirst(==(state), sv)
state_index(occs::AbstractVector{T}, state::Base.RefValue{T}) where {T} = state_index(occs, state[])
state_index(sv::AbstractVector{T}, state::Any) where {T} = state_index(sv, convert(T, state))
state_index(occupations::AbstractVector{T}, state::T) where {T} = findfirst(==(state), occupations)
state_index(occupations::AbstractVector{T}, state::Base.RefValue{T}) where {T} = state_index(occupations, state[])
state_index(occupations::AbstractVector{T}, state::Any) where {T} = state_index(occupations, convert(T, state))

ManyBodyBasis(b, occupations)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,85 +90,85 @@ bosonstates(onebodybasis::Basis, Nparticles) = bosonstates(length(onebodybasis),
==(b1::ManyBodyBasis, b2::ManyBodyBasis) = b1.occupations_hash == b2.occupations_hash && b1.onebodybasis == b2.onebodybasis

basisstate([T=ComplexF64,] b::ManyBodyBasis, occupation::Vector)
basisstate([T=ComplexF64,] mb::ManyBodyBasis, occupation::Vector)
Return a ket state where the system is in the state specified by the given
occupation numbers.
function basisstate(::Type{T}, basis::ManyBodyBasis, occupation::Vector) where {T}
index = state_index(basis.occupations, occupation)
function basisstate(::Type{T}, mb::ManyBodyBasis, occupation::Vector) where {T}
index = state_index(mb.occupations, occupation)
if isa(index, Nothing)
throw(ArgumentError("Occupation not included in many-body basis."))
basisstate(T, basis, index)
basisstate(T, mb, index)

create([T=ComplexF64,] b::ManyBodyBasis, index)
create([T=ComplexF64,] mb::ManyBodyBasis, index)
Creation operator for the i-th mode of the many-body basis `b`.
create(::Type{T}, b::ManyBodyBasis, index) where {T} = transition(T, b, index, ())
create(b::ManyBodyBasis, index) = create(ComplexF64, b, index)
create(::Type{T}, mb::ManyBodyBasis, index) where {T} = transition(T, mb, index, ())
create(mb::ManyBodyBasis, index) = create(ComplexF64, mb, index)

destroy([T=ComplexF64,] b::ManyBodyBasis, index)
destroy([T=ComplexF64,] mb::ManyBodyBasis, index)
Annihilation operator for the i-th mode of the many-body basis `b`.
destroy(::Type{T}, b::ManyBodyBasis, index) where {T} = transition(T, b, (), index)
destroy(b::ManyBodyBasis, index) = destroy(ComplexF64, b, index)
destroy(::Type{T}, mb::ManyBodyBasis, index) where {T} = transition(T, mb, (), index)
destroy(mb::ManyBodyBasis, index) = destroy(ComplexF64, mb, index)

number([T=ComplexF64,] b::ManyBodyBasis, index)
number([T=ComplexF64,] mb::ManyBodyBasis, index)
Particle number operator for the i-th mode of the many-body basis `b`.
function number(::Type{T}, b::ManyBodyBasis, index) where {T}
diagonaloperator(b, T[occ[index] for occ in b.occupations])
function number(::Type{T}, mb::ManyBodyBasis, index) where {T}
diagonaloperator(mb, T[occ[index] for occ in mb.occupations])
number(b::ManyBodyBasis, index) = number(ComplexF64, b, index)
number(mb::ManyBodyBasis, index) = number(ComplexF64, mb, index)

number([T=ComplexF64,] b::ManyBodyBasis)
number([T=ComplexF64,] mb::ManyBodyBasis)
Total particle number operator.
function number(::Type{T}, b::ManyBodyBasis) where {T}
diagonaloperator(b, T[sum(occ) for occ in b.occupations])
function number(::Type{T}, mb::ManyBodyBasis) where {T}
diagonaloperator(mb, T[sum(occ) for occ in mb.occupations])
number(b::ManyBodyBasis) = number(ComplexF64, b)
number(mb::ManyBodyBasis) = number(ComplexF64, mb)

transition([T=ComplexF64,] b::ManyBodyBasis, to, from)
transition([T=ComplexF64,] mb::ManyBodyBasis, to, from)
Operator ``|\\mathrm{to}⟩⟨\\mathrm{from}|`` transferring particles between modes.
Note that `to` and `from` can be collections of indices. The resulting operator in this case
will be equal to ``a^\\dagger_{to_1} a^\\dagger_{to_2} \\ldots a_{from_2} a_{from_1}``.
function transition(::Type{T}, b::ManyBodyBasis, to, from) where {T}
function transition(::Type{T}, mb::ManyBodyBasis, to, from) where {T}
Is = Int[]
Js = Int[]
Vs = T[]
buffer = allocate_buffer(b)
buffer = allocate_buffer(mb)
# <{m}_j| at_to a_from |{m}_i>
for (i, occ_i) in enumerate(b.occupations)
for (i, occ_i) in enumerate(mb.occupations)
C = state_transition!(buffer, occ_i, to, from)
C === nothing && continue
j = state_index(b.occupations, buffer)
j = state_index(mb.occupations, buffer)
j === nothing && continue
push!(Is, j)
push!(Js, i)
push!(Vs, C)
return SparseOperator(b, sparse(Is, Js, Vs, length(b), length(b)))
return SparseOperator(mb, sparse(Is, Js, Vs, length(mb), length(mb)))
transition(b::ManyBodyBasis, to, from) = transition(ComplexF64, b, to, from)
transition(mb::ManyBodyBasis, to, from) = transition(ComplexF64, mb, to, from)

# Calculate many-Body operator from one-body operator
manybodyoperator(b::ManyBodyBasis, op)
manybodyoperator(mb::ManyBodyBasis, op)
Create the many-body operator from the given one-body operator `op`.
Expand All @@ -192,97 +192,96 @@ where ``X`` is the N-particle operator, ``x`` is the one-body operator and
``|u⟩`` are the one-body states associated to the
different modes of the N-particle basis.
function manybodyoperator(basis::ManyBodyBasis, op)
function manybodyoperator(mb::ManyBodyBasis, op)
@assert op.basis_l == op.basis_r
if op.basis_l == basis.onebodybasis
result = manybodyoperator_1(basis, op)
elseif op.basis_l == basis.onebodybasis basis.onebodybasis
result = manybodyoperator_2(basis, op)
if op.basis_l == mb.onebodybasis
result = manybodyoperator_1(mb, op)
elseif op.basis_l == mb.onebodybasis mb.onebodybasis
result = manybodyoperator_2(mb, op)
throw(ArgumentError("The basis of the given operator has to either be equal to b or b ⊗ b where b is the 1st quantization basis associated to the nparticle basis."))

function manybodyoperator_1(basis::ManyBodyBasis, op::Operator)
S = length(basis.onebodybasis)
result = DenseOperator(basis)
buffer = allocate_buffer(basis)
function manybodyoperator_1(mb::ManyBodyBasis, op::Operator)
S = length(mb.onebodybasis)
result = DenseOperator(mb)
buffer = allocate_buffer(mb)
@inbounds for j = 1:S, i = 1:S
value =[i, j]
iszero(value) && continue
for (m, occ) in enumerate(basis.occupations)
for (m, occ) in enumerate(mb.occupations)
C = state_transition!(buffer, occ, j, i)
C === nothing && continue
n = state_index(basis.occupations, buffer)
n = state_index(mb.occupations, buffer)
n === nothing && continue[m, n] += C * value
return result
manybodyoperator_1(basis::ManyBodyBasis, op::AdjointOperator) = dagger(manybodyoperator_1(basis, dagger(op)))
manybodyoperator_1(mb::ManyBodyBasis, op::AdjointOperator) = dagger(manybodyoperator_1(mb, dagger(op)))

function manybodyoperator_1(basis::ManyBodyBasis, op::SparseOpPureType)
N = length(basis)
function manybodyoperator_1(mb::ManyBodyBasis, op::SparseOpPureType)
N = length(mb)
Is = Int[]
Js = Int[]
Vs = ComplexF64[]
buffer = allocate_buffer(basis)
buffer = allocate_buffer(mb)
@inbounds for (row, column, value) in zip(findnz(
for (m, occ) in enumerate(basis.occupations)
for (m, occ) in enumerate(mb.occupations)
C = state_transition!(buffer, occ, column, row)
C === nothing && continue
n = state_index(basis.occupations, buffer)
n = state_index(mb.occupations, buffer)
n === nothing && continue
push!(Is, m)
push!(Js, n)
push!(Vs, C * value)
return SparseOperator(basis, sparse(Is, Js, Vs, N, N))
return SparseOperator(mb, sparse(Is, Js, Vs, N, N))

function manybodyoperator_2(basis::ManyBodyBasis, op::Operator)
S = length(basis.onebodybasis)
@assert S^2 == length(op.basis_l)
result = DenseOperator(basis)
function manybodyoperator_2(mb::ManyBodyBasis, op::Operator)
S = length(mb.onebodybasis)
result = DenseOperator(mb)
op_data = reshape(, S, S, S, S)
buffer = allocate_buffer(basis)
buffer = allocate_buffer(mb)
@inbounds for l = 1:S, k = 1:S, j = 1:S, i = 1:S
value = op_data[i, j, k, l]
iszero(value) && continue
for (m, occ) in enumerate(basis.occupations)
for (m, occ) in enumerate(mb.occupations)
C = state_transition!(buffer, occ, (k, l), (i, j))
C === nothing && continue
n = state_index(basis.occupations, buffer)
n = state_index(mb.occupations, buffer)
n === nothing && continue[m, n] += C * value
return result

function manybodyoperator_2(basis::ManyBodyBasis, op::SparseOpType)
N = length(basis)
S = length(basis.onebodybasis)
function manybodyoperator_2(mb::ManyBodyBasis, op::SparseOpType)
N = length(mb)
S = length(mb.onebodybasis)
Is = Int[]
Js = Int[]
Vs = ComplexF64[]
buffer = allocate_buffer(basis)
buffer = allocate_buffer(mb)
@inbounds for (row, column, value) in zip(findnz(
for (m, occ) in enumerate(basis.occupations)
for (m, occ) in enumerate(mb.occupations)
index = Tuple(CartesianIndices((S, S, S, S))[(column-1)*S^2+row])
C = state_transition!(buffer, occ, index[3:4], index[1:2])
C === nothing && continue
n = state_index(basis.occupations, buffer)
n = state_index(mb.occupations, buffer)
n === nothing && continue
push!(Is, m)
push!(Js, n)
push!(Vs, C * value)
return SparseOperator(basis, sparse(Is, Js, Vs, N, N))
return SparseOperator(mb, sparse(Is, Js, Vs, N, N))

Expand All @@ -308,13 +307,13 @@ end

onebodyexpect(op::AbstractOperator, states::Vector) = [onebodyexpect(op, state) for state = states]

get_value(state::Ket, m, n) = conj([m]) *[n]
get_value(state::Operator, m, n) =[n, m]
matrix_element(state::Ket, m, n) = conj([m]) *[n]
matrix_element(state::Operator, m, n) =[n, m]
function onebodyexpect_1(op::Operator, state)
b = basis(state)
occupations = b.occupations
S = length(b.onebodybasis)
buffer = allocate_buffer(b)
mb = basis(state)
occupations = mb.occupations
S = length(mb.onebodybasis)
buffer = allocate_buffer(mb)
result = complex(0.0)
for i = 1:S, j = 1:S
value =[i, j]
Expand All @@ -324,24 +323,24 @@ function onebodyexpect_1(op::Operator, state)
C === nothing && continue
n = state_index(occupations, buffer)
n === nothing && continue
result += C * value * get_value(state, m, n)
result += C * value * matrix_element(state, m, n)

function onebodyexpect_1(op::SparseOpPureType, state)
b = basis(state)
occupations = b.occupations
buffer = allocate_buffer(b)
mb = basis(state)
occupations = mb.occupations
buffer = allocate_buffer(mb)
result = complex(0.0)
@inbounds for (row, column, value) in zip(findnz(
for (m, occ) in enumerate(occupations)
C = state_transition!(buffer, occ, column, row)
C === nothing && continue
n = state_index(occupations, buffer)
n === nothing && continue
result += C * value * get_value(state, m, n)
result += C * value * matrix_element(state, m, n)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,7 +437,7 @@ function Base.similar(::Type{FermionBitstring}, n::Int)
for type in (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128)
n sizeof(type) * 8 && return FermionBitstring(zero(type), n)
throw(ArgumentError("n must be less than 128"))
throw(ArgumentError("n must be less than 128; got $n"))
function Base.convert(::Type{FermionBitstring{T}}, v::AbstractVector) where {T}
n = length(v)
Expand Down

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