Cherry pick - Chef CD, sample apps, esp32 rpc fix, to interop branch#19979
andy31415 merged 13 commits intoproject-chip:interop_testing_te9 from cpagravel:interop_cherry_pick_no_zapJun 27, 2022
Commits on Jun 25, 2022
Support to return software_version_string with <branch>:<commit_id> on linux platform (project-chip#19710)
- committed
Revert "Support to return software_version_string with <branch>:<commit_id> on linux platform (project-chip#19710)" (project-chip#19786)
Truncate the branch info of the software version string while the total length greater equal to 64 bytes. (project-chip#19788)
Make Chef CI use existing zzz_generated and complete Chef CD for existing platforms (project-chip#19478)
- committed
Commits on Jun 26, 2022
- committed