Author: Shuyuan Wang, NetID: sw3197
Project report for all three tasks can be found here. project report
This repo reproduces the original implementation of World Models. This implementation uses TensorFlow 2.2.
The easiest way to handle dependencies is with Nvidia-Docker. Follow the instructions below to generate and attach to the container.
docker image build -t wm:1.0 -f docker/Dockerfile.wm .
docker container run -p 8888:8888 -v /home/ubuntu/wm:/app -it wm:1.0
docker attach wm
To visualize the environment from the agents perspective or generate synthetic observations use the visualizations jupyter notebook. It can be launched from your container with the following:
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888 --ip=* --allow-root
I am able to set up the environment and reproduce the result. However, due to the limitation of the computing power, the result I get is worse than the one in original repo.
- Using 4 workers to generate 640 random scenes. Each scene contains maximumly 1000 frames and minimumly 100 frames. They are saved in record
- load the scenes from record folder, With the args fed. Train the model with Vae architecture.
- Train the RNN model with architecture. The result can be found here
- Generate real Car Racing environment and train with previous results and 4 workers. The result log can be seen here
car_racing.ipynb visualize vae reconstructed image and the score evolution over time.
Real Frame Sample | Reconstructed Real Frame |
To reproduce results for CarRacing-v0 run the following bash script
bash launch_scripts/carracing.bash
We only run for 130 generations and with 640 rollouts, 4 workers. I made rnn_batch_size = 5.
The rollouts I used are the same as in previous part
- Train the vaegan with the model architecture as vaegan. I got the idea from
- serialize the vaengan parameters.
- Train the same rnn model with architecture. The result can be found here
- Generate real Car Racing environment and train with 4 workers. The controller and env are changed to use the vaegan model. The results log can be found here
vaegan_visualization.ipynb visualize vae reconstructed image and the score evolution over time with VAEGAN model.
Real Frame Sample | Reconstructed Real Frame |
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -c configs/carracing.config
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -c configs/carracing.config
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -c configs/carracing.config
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1400x900x24 +extension RANDR" -- python3 -c configs/carracing.config
We only run for 90 generations and with 640 rollouts, 4 workers. I made rnn_batch_size = 5. In my opinion, the score can definitely get higher after more generations. If I have time, I will run longer to see the score change.