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vrx_2023 wayfinding_task

M1chaelM edited this page May 30, 2023 · 2 revisions

Task 2: Wayfinding


Navigate through each of the published waypoints, such that vehicle achieves, as closely as possible, the positions and orientations specified.

How to Run

Step 1: Launch the example

ros2 launch vrx_gz world:=wayfinding_task

Step 2: Subscribe to relevant topics

  • After starting the example, subscribe to the task-specific topics provided by the wayfinding scoring plugin.
rost2 opic echo /vrx/wayfinding/waypoints
  • For the timeout counter and your current score, subscribe to the /vrx/task/info topic:
ros2 topic echo /vrx/task/info

Step 3: Complete the task

  • In order to complete the task, you can manually drive and orient the WAM-V to each of the waypoint positions with either a gamepad:
ros2 launch vrx_gz usv_joy_teleop.launch

For more guidance and information, check out the Teleop tutorial.

  • Keep track of your minimum errors for each waypoint so far,
ros2 topic echo /vrx/wayfinding/min_errors
  • and the mean of the minimum errors:
ros2 topic echo /vrx/wayfinding/mean_error
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