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2020 08 20

Chris Little edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 8 revisions

Environmental Data Retrieval SWG Meeting 24,

13:00 UTC (07:00 MDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST, 21:00 CST, 23:00 AEST)


Agree Agenda and IPR Call

Minutes/Notes of previous meeting

Current Candidate EDR API Specification

API coordination:

OGC would like implementers to register their API on the

  • (Programmable Web API Register)[] and

  • (OGC Compliance Database)[]

    Cross SWG Topics

  • (GitHub project board)[] to help track cross-SWG topics.

  • (OGC API - Common SWG issues register)[]

  • (Cross-SWG reps)[]

    Outstanding Issues

    Failing links in spec

    Outstanding Pull Requests

Date of Next Meeting

Any Other Business

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