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2021 05 13

Chris Little edited this page May 13, 2021 · 3 revisions

Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG Meeting 53

14:00 UTC (08:00 MDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 22:00 CST, Friday 02:00 AEDT) Note new time.


Agree Agenda and IPR Call

Minutes/Notes of previous meeting

Current Candidate EDR API Specification: frozen for publication at Wed 16:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021

Outstanding Issues:

Outstanding Pull Requests:

Compliance Test Suite:

API coordination:

  • Next OGC Developer Track, 16 June 2021, covers:
    • OGC API – Coverages
    • OGC API – Routes
    • OGC API – Discrete Global Grid Systems
    • GeoPose

Update other Documentation on GitHub:

Plan future work

  • Corrections: Version 1.0.x
  • Non-breaking changes and enhancements: Version 1.x
  • Version 2.x


Any Other Business

  • Agenda for Meeting at May TC Member Meeting

Date of Next Meeting: 27 May 2021



  • Boyi Shangguan
  • Chris Little
  • Chang Liu
  • Dave Blodgett
  • James Kreft
  • Pavol Novotny
  • Peter Trevelyan
  • Mark Burgoyne
  • Steve Olson
  • Tom Kralidis

Agenda: agreed

Previous two minutes: agreed

IPR call: done

Current Candidate EDR API Specification:

  • Frozen for publication at Wed 16:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021
  • Various missing or changed links updated

Outstanding issues: N/A

Outstanding Pull Requests: N/A

Compliance Test Suite: nothing new

API coordination:

  • Chris Little described the next OGC Developer Track, 16 June 2021, and encouraged people to attend
    • OGC API – Coverages
    • OGC API – Routes
    • OGC API – Discrete Global Grid Systems
    • GeoPose

Update other Documentation on GitHub:

  • Tom Kralidis showed the updates to the implementations page
  • The group agreed to rename the existing implementation pages to 'Deployments'

Plan future work

  • Chris Little showed the group the three projects and KanBan boards created in the GitHub repository for managing future work in EDR:
    • Corrections: Version 1.0.x
    • Non-breaking changes and enhancements: Version 1.x
    • Version 2.x


  • The group agreed to add 'Best Practice' to the Agenda
  • Tom Kralidis will be presenting the EDR API at the FOSS4G conference
  • Chris Little will giving a presentation about EDR to users at DSTL
  • Peter Trevelyan presented information about EDR to a DGIWG meeting

Any Other Business

  • Agenda for Meeting at May TC Member Meeting
    • Steve Olson, Peter Trevelyan and Mark Burgoyne agreed to present at the next OGC TC meeting.
  • Chris Little will check with ECMWF to see who will take over Stephan Siemen's OGC role

Date of Next Meeting: 27 May 2021, 14:00 UTC

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