Pre-release398f3bc00 [IMP] pivot: improve day granularity format Task: 3613511
06ad5fe3e [FIX] composer: don't auto-complete when hidden Task: 4176433
ca638d99e [FIX] composer: auto-complete pivot dimension Task: 4176433
6733496c6 [FIX] composer: auto-complete pivot dimension after operator Task: 4176433
74ea2b700 [FIX] pivot: add suggestion message to broken pivot formulas Task: 4169586
2da5c9df6 [REF] tsconfig: use tsconfig.base.json for common settings Task: 0
6377a6561 [IMP] custom color: handle all the chart colors Task: 4178763
70896e0db [IMP] gauge: add choice of operator on inflection point Task: 4170179
1c1ed5a76 [MOV] tests: move gauge and scorecard tests to their own folders Task: 4170179
b9e466c16 [IMP] pivot: hide fix pivot formula
for pivot that cannot spill Task: 4039646
6ed993de1 [FIX] pivot: convert pivot to individual formula args Task: 4039646
49451297f [FIX] export: Fix default style ignored at export Task: 4178743
e41fd9529 [IMP] pivot: add table when inserting spreadsheet pivot Task: 4132016
d80d18222 [IMP] pivot: correctly align column header Task: 4193485
a11470620 [REM] doc: remove tsdoc Task: 0
0e37522a7 [FIX] clipboard: paste without asking permission Task: 4138195
c0c8f9e26 [FIX] types: export types needed for .d.ts file Task: 0
41563c192 [FIX] table: update table style on header group removal Task: 4081345
0b76a4944 [IMP] TextInput: Auto-select all text on focus Task: 4080323
966e6d2a6 [IMP] pivot: add indentation to row headers Task: 3965246
20c06463c [IMP] format: add the handling of repeated character Task: 3965246
55dcbc7c0 [FIX] Find&Replace: always search cell content if searchFormula
Task: 4175968