Added Ubuntu 2204, Fedora 36, droped Ubuntu 1804 and mingw, workaround git CVE patch (flameshot-org#2570)
Added the ability to cache the last region (flameshot-org#2615)
Added the ability to define a region for a screen shot in the launcher (flameshot-org#2208)
Pinwidget: allow copying to clipboard and saving to file (flameshot-org#2519)
Allow users to override imgur key (flameshot-org#2503)
Allow numpad numers to resize and fix text artifacting on large resize (flameshot-org#2386)
Pinch gesture on pinned screenshot (flameshot-org#2447)
Improve Colorpicker (flameshot-org#2403)
Zooming in/out happens at different speed (flameshot-org#2378)
Added magnifier for more precise selections (flameshot-org#2219)
Upload history UI (flameshot-org#2345)
Customizable ColorPicker (flameshot-org#2202)
Created basic layer movement functionality (up, down) (flameshot-org#2108)
Added 'Save to disk' button when uploading to imgur (flameshot-org#2237)
Fix: Unexpected close when launch external app (flameshot-org#2617)
Fix: CloseOnLastWindow caused by tool change (flameshot-org#2645)
Fix: Selection offset (flameshot-org#2630)
Fix: Warning related to fonts on macos (flameshot-org#2578)
Fix: Segfault when screen number exceeds screen count (flameshot-org#2534)
Fix: Sidebar slider not resizing (flameshot-org#2530)
Fix: High CPU usage on pin (flameshot-org#2502)
Fix: Double click (flameshot-org#2432)
Fix: Arrow tool glitches (flameshot-org#2395)
Fix: SaveAsFileExtension in example config (flameshot-org#2414)
Fix: Bug on MacOS with save dialog (flameshot-org#2379)
Fix: Crash selecting Text Tool (flameshot-org#2369)
Fix: Freeze with copy URL to clipboard (flameshot-org#2348)