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Diljot edited this page Dec 14, 2020 · 1 revision

WDL conventions and style guide

Naming Conventions

  • CamelCase for workflows
  • CamelCase for tasks
  • CamelCase for structs
  • lower_case_with_underscores for variables
  • lower_case_with_underscores for naming wdl modules (imports)

Input and Output Names

  • always add _path suffix for filepaths
  • use expressive variable names
  • add Task suffix to tasks
  • add WorkFlow suffix to workflows


Following should be indented

  • Anything within a set of braces {}.
  • Inputs following input: in a call block.
  • Continuations of expressions which did not fit on a single line, see section 4.

Rules for indents:

  • with spaces. no tab please
  • 4 spaces per indent


workflow Example {
    call SomeTask as doStuff {
            number = 1,
            letter = "a"

Line length

  • limit lines to 100 characters

line break

always add line breaks in:

  • input section after each input
  • output section after each output
  • after {, }, <<< or >>>


  • always use as format and name all tasks
  • one empty line between each subsection example:
task Echo {
    input {
        String message

        String? outputPath # Optional input(s) separated from mandatory input(s)

    command <<<
        echo ~{message} ~{"> " + outputPath}

    output {
        File? outputFile = outputPath


command section

  • always use <<< and >>> instead of tabs. this will avoid issues with tokenization caused by braces in command section.


task Echo {
    input {
        String message

        String? outputPath # Optional input(s) separated from mandatory input(s)

    command <<<
        echo ~{message} ~{"> " + outputPath}

    output {
        File? outputFile = outputPath

  • always use set -e -o pipefail if there's more than one command
  • Break up long commands with \ and only one command line argument per line.
  • always use ~{...} format

Runtime section

required keys:

  • docker
  • memory: in G. example: memory: "4G"
  • cpu

parameter_meta section



  • All tasks should go in the mondrian/wdl/tasks/ folder
  • each wdl file must only contain tasks corresponding to a certain tool
  • Any tasks related to handling inputs and output files must go in mondrian/wdl/tasks/


  • All workflows that contain tasks must go in mondrian/wdl/workflows/
  • each wdl file must only contain tasks corresponding to a certain tool
  • workflows can contain workflows and structs


  • Analyses are higher level workflows that string together multiple worflows that all do the same kind of computation.
  • All analyses should go into mondrian/wdl/analyses/


  • use as format
  • order alphabetically

Empty lines

  • one empty line after each subsection of a task or workflow
  • 2 empty lines after each task or workflow