forseti2 (named after the Norse god of justice) is the field control software for the Pioneers in Engineering 2014 Robotics Competition.
forseti2 is depdendent on several external libraries. Follow these instructions on Debian/Ubuntu Linux to install these dependencies. On other platforms, you will need to determine how to install these dependencies.
Refer to the LCM install instructions at wiki.
Once LCM is built, move lcm-1.0.0/lcm-java/lcm.jar
into this directory to take advantage of
packet introspection.
You don't actually need OpenCV.
$ sudo apt-get install python-pygame
$ sudo apt-get install arduino
$ sudo pip install pyfirmata
On OS X, we use MacPorts to obtain the requisite libaries for at least part of the stack.
forseti2 is depdendent on several external libraries. Follow these instructions on OS X to install these dependencies.
OS X comes with its own distribution of python. However, you should install the MacPorts distribution to be able to easily install external libraries on top of python.
$ sudo port install python27
$ sudo port install py27-pip
$ sudo port select --set python python27
$ sudo pip install flask
Refer to the LCM install instructions at wiki.
Once LCM is built, move lcm-1.0.0/lcm-java/lcm.jar
into this directory to take advantage of
packet introspection.
$ sudo port install py27-game
There's no port avaialble for arduino or firmata.