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Marcel Kloubert edited this page Nov 1, 2017 · 19 revisions

Home >> Targets >> dropbox


Uploads files to a DropBox folder.

    "deploy": {
        "targets": [
                "type": "dropbox",
                "name": "My DropBox folder",
                "description": "Deploy to my DropBox folder",

                "dir": "/sub/directory/inside/the/folder",
                "token": "<ACCESS-TOKEN>",
                "empty": true
Name Description
checkBeforeDeploy Check for newer files before a deployment starts or not. Default: (false)
dir The target directory inside the folder. Default: /
empty Empty target directory BEFORE upload files or not. Default: (false)
password An optional password to use for encrypting/decrypting files.
passwordAlgorithm The algorithm for the password to use (s. crypto.createCipher). Default: aes-256-ctr
promptForToken Prompt for an access token if not defined. Default: (true)
token The generated access token from App Console.
transformer* The path to the script that transforms data before it is send / after it has been downloaded.
transformerOptions Optional data for the transformer script.

* supports placeholders

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