- HTML - Used to build the basic frame of the site
- CSS - Used to style the HTML
- JavaScript - Used to append all visual componants for each "page" to the one HTML document, style those elements, and create the functions that start the quiz, power the quiz, keep the score, and create the leaderboard
- Created a basic html document to provide framework
- Used JavaScript to build functions that appended all elements to the HTML for the opening page, each quiz page, and the game over page
- Created a function that starts the quiz when the user clicks the start button
- Created a function that listens for buttons clicked on each page. When the wrong button is clicked, no points are added to the score and the timer goes down. When the right button is clicked, points are added to the score and the timer remains the same
- Created a timer that counts down during the quiz and sends the user to the game over page once complete
- Created a function that allows users to input their initials
- Created a function that puts the initials on the leaderboard when initials are submitted