Simplified assembly_finder cli
Added checksum verification
Split summary table into three tables for sequence, assembly and taxonomy summary
Allow different parameters (assembly status, refseq category ...) for each entry
Improvements and bugfixes
25e7f05 81efbf6 Added sequencing technology, organism name, Biosource submission types in assembly table
81efbf6 Added sequence table to have sequence info (header to taxid correspondance)
81efbf6 Added taxonomy table to have linear taxonomy info
12dfee4 Allow for different assembly search parameters for each entry
dbca07a Added sha256 checksum verification
5907660 56a0389 Added taxa.sqlite rules and option to avoid saving it in the conda env
81efbf6 Split summary table into three tables for sequence, assembly and taxonomy summary
12dfee4 Changed sort priority to refseq category then assembly status, followed by coverage and N50
a17e3a1 Improved directory structure (moved scripts to bin directory)
cb1f4af Removed run sub-command for simpler cli
25e7f05 Renamed summary table headers (no more CamelCase !)
43a8d0e Removed required NCBI email and key
2335ea7 Removed wget option
8c947f4 Updated dependency versions
6f43cd7 Fixed number of assembly selection with or without rank filtering
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