News-Aggregator is a Laravel-based application designed to fetch news from various sources and filter them based on user preferences. Utilizing a RESTful API, it allows users to receive news updates tailored to their interests.
I assumed this project would be a large scale project, so I try to implement robust and engineering structure.
- Database: PostgreSQL
- PHP : 8.1
- Laravel : 10.34.2
Fetch news from multiple sources.
RESTful API for retrieving news and preferences user.
Filter news based on user preferences.
Swagger documentation
$ composer install
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan db:seed --class=dataSourceSeeder
$ php artisan serve
for run schedule:
$ php artisan schedule:work
for run queues:
$ php artisan queue:listen --queue=high,default
for run command to dispatch queues:
$ php artisan app:news-command