1.2.0 (2024-01-24)
select: add keyboard support for arrow end and home (8912019 )
select: add menuAlign to allow end-aligning the select menu (50a9ffa )
select: support width fit-content (4bb9418 )
textfield: add no-spinner
to remove number spin buttons (3c6e550 )
Bug Fixes
button: add missing sass imports (37fad06 )
chips: filter's click.preventDefault()
not working when also updating selected
(5dc870b )
dialog: buttons not reflecting value attribute when setting property (35913a6 ), closes #5409
dialog: immediate escape key not firing cancel event in Chrome 120 (be3dc6f ), closes #5313
dialog: text is now selectable (4ae9db6 )
forms correctly focus the first invalid control instead of last (7dd7a68 )
labs: add card support for high contrast mode (53ec44b )
labs: card content not clickable with outline fix (9c5cff8 ), closes #5312
menu: --md-menu-item-container-color
not working (86bd6f8 )
progress: prevent unnecessary animation to run when not visible (4de5e74 )
rename and move internal/controller/events
(eca1357 )
ripple: multiple touches causing ripples to start from center (cef1b74 ), closes #5349
select: allow aria-expanded to be set to false (73725be ), closes #5360
select: clicking select toggles the menu rather than just open (043bbad )
select: ensure md-select selection logic uses fresh DOM references (8942715 )
select: expose SelectOption interface (edb3559 )
slider: move ripple and focus ring beneath handle (68b078b )
slider: nested dir attributes do not break on chrome 120+ (57168f6 )
tabs: --md-elevation-level
no longer leaks into tabs (ddf1fb0 ), closes #5137
tabs: tabs.scrollToTab()
not working (eb7c17e )
textfield: counter showing when max length is 0 or removed (9973b90 )
textfield: error styles not removing when an unrelated control is invalid (3151fd8 )
textfield: focus style lost after reportValidity()
during change (6efc904 )
textfield: remove Firefox high contrast mode background on linux (926edfb )
tokens: moved '_values.scss' to 'internal/_values.scss' (b986b1e )
Performance Improvements
ripple: don't process events in high contrast mode (839667d )
You can’t perform that action at this time.