This Python package can be used to configure and control MD80-based actuators using MAB's communication dongle (CANdle or CANdle HAT). The package is a wrapper around the C++ library - with simple python examples there won’t be any noticeable performance decrease compared to plain C++, however for real-time applications we advise using C++ libraries directly.
The original C++ libraries and python examples are located in the candle repository. Please make sure you read the MD80 x CANdle manual before you start playing with the examples.
Assuming you've already read the manual from previous section and performed the necessary setup steps now's the time to install pyCandle package:
python3 -m pip install pyCandleMAB
or when you're working with Raspberry PI:
sudo python3 -m pip install pyCandleMAB
when the package is installed without errors connect CANdle device to your PC and run the first example:
python3 ./
when a signle actuator is connected to the dongle the console output should look simmilar to:
[CANDLE] Creating CANdle object.
[CANDLE] Reset successfull!
[CANDLE] CANdle ready.
[CANDLE] Starting pinging drives...
[CANDLE] Found drives.
[CANDLE] 1: ID = 85 (0x55)
[CANDLE] LEDs blining at ID = 85
For more examples visit: